CSI:Hangman #12

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I know only 2 letters have been requestet but I'm going to go to bed now, so you can start with your guesses and don't have to wait too long

Hope thats fine!!

CSI 1: --t --tta ----. ---'-- --dd--- m-? --- d-d --- ---- -- --a--d?

CSI 2: - ------d -t --t. - ----d t--- -- t-- -a- -- ---d t-- -ass -- t-- -a-,
t-at -- ---- ---ta-s a-d - ---- -- -ad a sta-d--- a-----tm--t -- --d--sda-s.
----d -a-- ---- a s-----, -- ---a. --t - t--- t-- m---- --t---.

CSI 1: -'m -m---ss-d

CSI 2: Ma--- --- d-d-'t ---- --m as ---- as --- t-----t.

Letters guessed: A, M, T,D S,
Get outta here. You're kidding me? How did you he played?

I figured it out. I could tell by the way he held the base in the lab that he knew guitars and I knew he had a standing appointment on Wednesdays.
Could have been a shrink, or yoga. But I took the music option.

I'm impressed.

Maybe you didn't know him as well as you thought.

Danny/ Lindsay....."Stuck on you"

One of my fav epi's. Mac and his lovely fingers strumming on the bass:)


C1: ---- ----- ---- ----------.

C2: -- ---- ---- ------ ----- ---- ---? ------'-
--- ---- ----- ---- ---- -------- -- --. ----, -'--
--- -- -----. -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- -- ------
----- -- -- --? - ---- -- ---- --- --- --- --- ---.
- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- ----- --- ----- -----
---- ----- ----. --- --- ----- --, ------- - ----
-- -- ---- ------. ----- ------'- ---- --- ------
---- -- ----.

C1: ---- ----- -- -- --- ----- ---------.

Letter's guessed:

C1: -e-- -e ----- ---- -------end.

C2: -- ---- ---- ----e- ----n ---d ---? -----e'-
--e -e-- ---n- ---- e-e- ----e-ed -- -e. ----, -'-e
--- -n ---e-. D- --- ---e -n- -de- ---- -n ------
----d d- -- -e? - ---- -- ---- --- --- -e- --d --n.
- ---e-- ---e en---- ---e -- --ee-, -e- ---ne ---e-
---e ---e- ----. -nd --e ----- --, -----n- - e-e-
d- -- ---d en----. ----n ----dn'- e-e- -e- -----e
---e -- n--e.

C1: --en ---n- -- -n --e ----- ---e----n.

Letter's guessed: D,N,E

C1: Te-- -e ----t ---- -i----iend.

C2: Is t--t ---t -iste- T--in t--d ---? ----ie's
t-e -est t-in- t--t e-e- ----ened t- -e. ---s, I'-e
--t -n ---e-. D- --- ---e -n- ide- ---t -n ----i-
----d d- t- -e? I ---- -- --tt --- --- -e- --n.
I ---e-- ---e en---- ti-e t- s-ee-, -et ---ne ---e-
s--e -t-e- -i--. -nd t-e t--t- is, n-t-in- I e-e-
d- is ---d en----. T--in ----dn't e-en -et ----ie
t--e -- n--e.

C1: T-en --int -s in t-e -i--t di-e-ti-n.

Letter's guessed: D,N,E,T,I,S
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