CSI: Hangman #11

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Doc Robbins: What's the matter, David?
David: She has no lady parts.
Doc Robbins: She had a hysterectomy.
David: Okay, uhm… Then why was she using one of these?
Doc Robbins: Nostalgia?

Two and a half Deaths
Why o why do I always have to do a Miami one? :lol: I guess I should start watching the other shows so I can guess their quotes and post a Vegas one :p


C1: - --- --- ------- -- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -- ----- -----, --- -- --- -------.
C2: ----- ------ -- --- ----- -- ---- ---- -- ----, --- ---- --- ------- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- -- --- -------- -----...
C1: --- ---- ---- ----- ------- - ---------.

It has a number in it but I put it as a word

C1: A ma- -a- --a---- -o --a-- -o-- -a-- a-o -- a- -m--- -o---, --- -o o-- -o-----.
C2: ----- m----- o- --- -oo-- -- ---- -a-- o- -o--, -o- --a- -o- -a--a-- -o- ---- -o- --- -o-- ----- o- --- Am----a- ---am...
C1: A-- ---- -o-- ---am ---om-- a -----ma--.

guessed letters: A,M,O

C1: A man -a- --a--e- to -eat- -o-- -a-- a-o -n an em-t- -o--e, --t no one not--e-.
C2: ----t m---e- on t-e -oo-- -n t--- -a-t o- to-n, not --at -o- -a--a-n -o- --en -o- --- -o-- ---n- o- t-e Ame---an --eam...
C1: An- t-en -o-- --eam -e-ome- a n---tma-e.

guessed letters: A,M,O,T,N,E
H: A man was stababed to death four days ago in an empty house, but no one noticed.
Frank: First murder on the books in this part of town, not what you bargain for when you buy your chunk of the American dream...
H: And then your dream becomes a nightmare.

Death Emminent
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