CSI: Hangman #11

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Miami....Good Luck:cool:

C1: --- ---w, I'm ------e-, wh- -i- -e atta-- ---?

C2: I- --- -i-- --t let -e ---w.

C1: that will -e ea-- -e-a--e --- a-e --i-- t-
-e i- a h-l-i-- -ell.

Letter's guessed: W,I,E,L,H,T,P,A,M
Miami....Good Luck:cool:

C1: -o- -now, I'm -on--se-, wh- -i- he atta-- -o-?

C2: I- -o- -in- o-t let me -now.

C1: that will -e eas- -e-a-se -o- a-e -oin- to
-e in a hol-in- -ell.

Letter's guessed: W,I,E,L,H,T,P,A,M,S,O,N
Horatio: You know, I'm confused, why did he attack you?
Suspect A: If you find out let me know.
Horatio: That'll be easy because you are going to be in a holding cell.

I think it's from Legal?
Ooh! I finally got one right! :D

CSI:NY -- Good luck! :D

C1: ---- ---- --- --- -----?
C2: ---------- --- ------------.
C1: --- --- ----- -- -- ---- ---- - ---- ------ -------.

C1: ---t ---e --- --t t-e-e?
C2: ------t--t --- ------l---te.
C1: --- --- t---e -- -- --t- ---t - ---- -----l ---l---.

Letters Guessed:

T, L, E
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