CSI: Hangman #11

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^ Yes, come to the dark side. :devil:

From Miami:

C1: -e-, --- ---w w-at? - ---w t-at t--s -s a c--plete s--e-ar, --t t--s -s t-e c---ee -a-c--e t-at - wa-t. -- -a-es es-ress-s, -acc--at-s, capp-cc---s. E-er-t----.
C2: W-e- w--l- - e-e- -a-e a -acc-a-t-?
C1: Well, --- w--l- -a-e --e e-er- --r----, a-ter we --- t-e -ac---e.

Letters guessed: A, S, W, E, C, L, T, R, P
From Miami:

C1: -e-, --- -n-w what? - -n-w that th-s -s a c--plete s--e-ar, --t th-s -s the c-ffee -a-ch-ne t-at - want.
-- -a-es es-ress-s, -acch-at-s, capp-cc-n-s. E-er-th-n-.
C2: When w--l- - e-e- -a-e a -acch-at-?
C1: Well, --- w--l- -a-e --e e-er- --rn-n-, after we --- the -ach-ne.

Letters guessed: A, S, W, E, C, L, T, R, P, H, N, F
From Miami:

C1: -ey, yo- -now what? I -now that this is a co-plete si-e-ar, --t this is the coffee -achine t-at I want. I- -a-es es-ressos, -acchiatos, capp-ccinos. E-erythin-.
C2: When wo-l- I e-e- -a-e a -acchiato?
C1: Well, yo- wo-l- -a-e o-e e-ery -ornin-, after we --y the -achine.

Letters guessed: A, S, W, E, C, L, T, R, P, H, N, F, Y, O, I
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Calleigh: Hey, you know what? I know that this is a complete sidebar, butt this is the coffee machine that I want. It makes espressos, macchiatos, cappuccinos. Everything.
Jake: When would I ever make a macchiato?
Calleigh: Well, you would make one every morning, after we buy the machine.

But I can't remember what episode it's from. BBYD or Sunblock, maybe?
BBYD and Jake and Calleigh, it is :cool:
Your turn, DD!

*hands over a cookie to cathwillows for guessing the epi* ;)
Ah, I thought it was, but I just wasn't quite sure.

From New York:

C1: ---- --- --- ----'- ---'- ----, ------- -----'- - -----'- ---- ---- ------ ---- ----.
C2: ----'- --- ----.
C1: --- --- -- --- -- -----?
C2: ---- --- -- ----- --?
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