CSI: Hangman #11

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From LV:

C1: We--, that ---n't he--.
C2: That --- w----n't ---- -- - -a-- h-- a n--ht w-th -ess-ca A--a.
C1: Y--'-e -ea--y ---- at -a---- enne--es, -a---e.
C2: That's why -'- -n--ste-, -----ce- an- ca--y a --n.

Letters guessed: N, Y, S, E, A, T, H, C, W
Ok, I know it, but only because I'm rewatching the episode right now:

8x12 Grissom's Divine Comedy

Brass: Well, that didn't help.
Maddie Klein: That kid wouldn't roll if I gave him a night with Jessica Alba.
Brass: You're really good at making ennemies, Maddie.
Maddie Klein: That's why I'm unlisted, divorced and carry a gun.
OK, I'm not big on CSI Miami, so I have to pick a quote at random. I can't promise it's from an outstanding scene...or episode...or season. I hope I picked a good one. here goes:

C1: -----, --- --- -------- ------ --- ------?
C2: ---'- ---. --- --- -------- --- -----. -------- -----, ---- -- ----- -----. --- ----- ---- ---- -------- ---- ------- ---- -------.
C1: -- -- ---- - --------- ---- -- -----. --- ----- ----.
C1: --e--, --- --e --ee---- -e---e t-e -tt---?
C2: -et'- -ee. --e --- --ee---- --- ----t. E-t----e -----, ---t -t ----e ----e. T-e ----- m--t ---e -------- ---t --me--e e--e -t--te-.
C1: -- -e ---e - ----e-e-t ---- -- -----. T-e --m-- ----.

Letters guessed so far: E, T, M

I hope I got everything right...

EDIT: edited to include one "e" I missed (bolded)
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C1: A-e--, -a- --e --ee--n- -e--re t-e atta--?
C2: -et'- -ee. --e -a- --ee--n- a-- r---t. Entran-e ---n-, ---t at ----e ran-e. T-e --ar- m--t -a-e --n----- --at --me-ne e--e -tarte-.
C1: -- -e -a-e a ----erent --n- -- --ar-. T-e --man --n-.

Letters guessed so far: E, T, M, R, N, A
I got it

Alexx, was she bleeding before the attack?

Let's see. She was bleeding all right. Entrance wound, shot at close range. The shark must have finished what someone else started.

So we have a different kind of shark. The human kind.

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