CSI: Hangman #11

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Update - Sorry for the delay - Quote from LV:

C1: Yo- --o- -o- yo-'re a--ays --shi-- that Ho-y Tri-ity st---?
C2: -ather, So- a-- Ho-y -host?
C1: -i-ti-, s-s-e-t a-- -ri-e s-e-e.
C2: Oh-, that o-e!

Letters guessed: E,S,A,T,R,H,O,Y,I

Good guesses everyone!! :) Oh and... I missed a "t" last round. Sorry for that.
I guess, now you can figure it very easily! :D
Catherine: You know how you're always pushing that Holy Trinity stuff?
Grissom: Father, Son and Holy Ghost?
Catherine: Victim, suspect and crime scene.
Grissom: Oh, that one!

I-15 Murders
Woohoo :D
Okay the next quote is from Miami

C1: --- --- ------- ------- - ------ ------- --- ----? - ----, --- ----, ----- --- ----- -- ----.
C2: ----, - ----, ----------.
C1: ------?
C2: ----. ---, --- ---'- ----- -'- -- - ---- ---?
C1: --, - ----- ---'- -- - ----- ---. - ---- ----- ----- --- ------- ------ -------- ------.
C2: ----, ----- ---- - ---- ---...--- ----- ----.

Have fun and good luck!

C1: --n y-- -----ne -----n- - -----y ------- -ny -e--? - -e-n, y-- -n--, ---en --e ----- -e ----.
C2: Ye--, - ----, -e--n--e-y.
C1: -e---y?
C2: Ye--. --y, y-- --n'- ---n- -'- -e - ---- ---?
C1: N-, - ---n- y--'- -e - --e-- ---. - ---- ne-e- -e--- y-- -en---n ----n- ------en -e---e.
C2: -e--, --y-e --en - --n- --e...--e ----- ----.

guessed letters: E,N,Y

C1: -an yo- --a--ne -a-s-n- a -a---y ----o-- any -e--? - -ean, yo- -no-, ---en --e -o--s -e -o--.
C2: Yea-, - -o--, -e--n--e-y.
C1: -ea--y?
C2: Yea-. --y, yo- -on'- ---n- -'- -e a -oo- -a-?
C1: No, - ---n- yo-'- -e a --ea- -a-. - --s- ne-e- -ea-- yo- -en--on -a--n- ------en -e-o-e.
C2: -e--, -ay-e --en - --n- --e...--e ----- ----.

guessed letters: E,N,Y,O,S,A
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