csi games

I love any occassions like birthdays, christmas etc. because it means I can ask for loads of CSI stuff, and usually get a few things that I ask for :)

I finally managed to find Dark Motives :D HUGE yay! I started playing it on Tuesday night and I have to say it is a lot harder then the first game, it is also a lot better, but because of all the new features, such as the fingerprint search, it is made harder. I think I am already stuck on the first case! :lol: I'm going to have to find some time to go through everything and see if I am stuck...
HELP!! You know how I said in the post above from Wednesday that I thought I was stuck in the first case on Dark Motives? Well I am! :( I really wanted to work it out for myself but I have been everywhere and asked all the questions I can so am now extremely angry :mad: What I need is the warrant to be able to search David McLadden's trailer but it keeps saying that I need 'a stronger link between the suspect and the crime scene'. Is there anyone who could help me please? Because I really do not know what to do...

Thanks :)
I had to use that site for the last case on the first game and the first case on the miami game, I found it really helpful, Golden_Smile maybe if you start the case over from the beginning because sometimes it works out easier if you do things in a certain order.
Thank you so much! I shall try that site tomorrow when I have chance to stay on here longer :) I shall let you know if I get passed it all...

Thank you all! :D
I have one criticism re the character of Nick in CSI:TDOM: Hey, I know that guy's strong but not as they drew him.
Hey! I am so sorry, I meant to post in here on Sunday because I finally managed to get the time to play CSI: Dark Motives and wanted to say thank you to you all for helping me to get past the first case that I was really really stuck on! Thank you! :D
I managed to find some more evidence at the crime scene - stuff that was swept up near the barrel, finding that allowed me to get a warrant for McLadden's trailer so could finish the rest of the case! hehe

I have to say how much better, but harder, this game is! Everytime I visit the lab or the coroner I get to do something which just makes the game way better than the first one! Such as getting to look at the body myself, having to match fingerprints, the microscope/video analyser is even better. There as such a few examples of how much I like this game...

Thank you everyone! :D
csi games

please help im stuck on dark motives case one I need to interrogate cory but dont know how, Can i enhance the image? or is there another way to do this thanks