'CSI' Finale May End With Heartbroken Warrick

CSI Files

CSI executive producer <font color=yellow>Naren Shankar</font> talked to TV Guide about the upcoming episode "Band Bang."

In this two part season finale, one of the team's own will take a hit while trying to negotiate with a kidnapper. But it's another, much more personal storyline that will have CSI Warrick Brown re-evaluating his marital life.

During the episode, the main suspect will find himself in the same casino as Warrick and his wife Tina, putting both their lives at risk. "You've got Warrick and Tina in a casino and bullets are flying," Shankar explained. "There's a killer on the loose, and he ends up at the casino where Warrick is."

But Shankar revealed it's not the stressful situation that will put a strain on their marriage, but the reason why Tina is in the casino in the first place. "It makes matters between the two of them come to a head."

Warrick may be heading for divorce court soon, but the writers intend on mending his broken heart quickly. Catherine Willows, who admitted she's always been interested in Warrick, may finally get her chance next season. "They have such great chemistry," said Shankar. "Believe me, that's something to come back to."

Head over to the website An Evident Gamble to read the original article.<center></center>
oh poor warrick. that really sucks. i wish i could make it work.
I knew they had something huge for Warrick his absent in the last episodes leads to this showdown. Poor Warrick, but when they creating a love story between Warrick an Cathrine, we might not get GSR! Yes!
It's sad to see Warrick getting a divorce but on the bright side he and Cath might have a chance together.That'll be cool.
I want him and his wife to split up (cos I don't like her) but I don't want Cath and Warrick to get together either. It's not a soap.
1881 said: It's not a soap.

Very true and agreed. That's CSI: Miami! LOL

As good as that was... reality is that CSI is a drama. Dramas contain all aspects of life to include romance. Personally, if I wanted all science or all detective work -I'd watch Court TV or The Discovery Channel.

Love Warrick. Anyone who knows, me knows that. But I have to say that he brought the heartache on himself so to speak (stupid ptb! :mad: ) I seriously doubt tptb had it in mind that his would b the type of drive thru marraige that would last :rolleyes:

So Warrick has his heartbroken a bit in the way that Cath did, they share yet something else that the others dont... See where its going people? But alas, we'll have to wait and see. (If it aint obvious -I'm all for it :D)
Aww, poor Warrick. It's too bad that his marriage didn't work out *cough* :D I hope that he and Catherine will get together. I've always been a loyal fan of Yobling.
But my number one ship is GSR :)
It's gonna be really bad if Warrick and Catherine will be getting together as well as Grissom and Sara. What's with everyone pairing off together? After that it's only Greg and Nick and everyone's in a relationship with each other. It sounds like a bad soap. As you can tell I'm not a fan of relationships with between main characters in a show like this.