Lab Technician
I have been on a major hiatus during my exams the last year, but this Summer my muse returned to me.
And so, here is a brand new DuCaine fanfic for y'all.
Here's a synopsis:
Calleigh and Faye Collins(You might remember her as the girl who saw the 'rocking Hummer' and freaked out! :lol
investigate the murder of a young woman found dead in her home. However, the evidence leads down a dark and dangerous path to a very familiar face. Faye is forced to make a difficult choice that could change lives forever. This has 'personal' written all over it.
I hope you enjoy. It's rather long with 2 posts so bring some snacks. :guffaw
lease comment and tell me what you think. There will be a sequel which I will post at the weekend. Just tweaking a few small things.
Here we go!!:
Fade in:
(Sun rising over Miami.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Camera pans up the hallway towards a
slightly opened door.)
Cut to:
(Curtains billowing.)
Cut to:
(Bedside table, panning to the left.
Shot of a woman's hand laying on the
Pan across the pillow to shot of her face.
Focus in on her eyes wide open.)
White flash to:
(Bruises on her neck.)
White flash to:
(Wide shot of her laying on the bed.)
White flash to:
Cut to:
(Officer rolling out the yellow 'Do Not
Cross' tape.)
Cut to:
(Continuous shot of bystanders looking on.)
Cut to:
(Police lights flashing.)
Cut to:
(Hummer pulling up.
Horatio gets out, sunglasses shielding his
eyes, and enters the crime-scene.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Alexx leaning over the victim next to her
on the bed, examining her head.)
Cut to:
(Horatio entering the room and removing his
Cut back to:
(Alexx taking the victim's wrist in her hand.)
ALEXX: Oh sweetie. You had your whole life
in front of you...
Cut to:
(Horatio surveying the room.)
HORATIO: Time of death, Alexx?
ALEXX: Just checking it now, Horatio.
(She inserts the thermometor into the woman's
side, checking her liver temperature.)
ALEXX: Liver temp is cooler by 13 degrees.
Puts her death at 11 p.m last night.
(Horatio looks on for a moment.)
HORATIO: To be attacked in your own home,
the place where you're most secure...
ALEXX: That wasn't the case for you, was it,
HORATIO: Cause of death, please?
(Alexx examines her neck.)
ALEXX: Appears to be strangulation. Major
bruising on her neck. Doesn't look like a
ligature mark though.
(Horatio moves closer, looking at the bruising.)
HORATIO: Killer may have used his hands...
White flash to:
(Woman being choked violently.)
ALEXX: She died with her eyes open. She must
have been terrified and screamed for help...
HORATIO: And someone... wanted to silence her
for good.
Fade in:
(Shot of Miami.)
Cut to
Cut to:
(Calleigh walking through the crowd, kit in hand.
Faye Collins accompanies her.
This is Faye's first time in the field.)
Cut to:
(Close-up of Faye's face.
She is completely serious.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh looking at her.)
CALLEIGH: You okay?
Cut to:
(Faye 'snapping out' of her trance.)
FAYE: Pardon? Oh, I'm okay, thanks Calleigh.
Just getting in the zone. This is my 'serious'
face, but inside I'm a bit nervous...
CALLEIGH: (smiling) Don't worry, you'll be fine.
Just follow the evidence, and listen to it, just
like we taught you.
(Faye nods, taking in a breath.)
FAYE: Okay... the evidence never lies...
Cut to:
(Shot of Calleigh and Faye from behind as
they duck below the tape.
Frank Tripp meets them.)
TRIPP: Hey, Calleigh... Faye? Never knew you
were in the field.
FAYE: I'm brand new, shiny in fact. This is my
first scene...
(She looks to Calleigh, who gives her a nod.)
FAYE: ... So what do we have, Frank?
(Frank pauses, giving Faye an encouraging smile,
before reading out his notes.)
FRANK: Vic's name is Sheena West, 24. She was
a Miami native, and worked as a waitress and a
dancer at the Cameo nightclub.
CALLEIGH: Who reported it?
TRIPP: Sheena worked the dayshift at the club
Tuesdays and Thursdays, and when she didn't
show up, her manager called and discovered her.
Cut to:
(Faye listening intently.
The three of them are now in the hallway.
As Frank continues to fill them in, Faye looks at
the door.
The camera zooms in on the door handle.)
FAYE: Was the door unlocked?
TRIPP: Yeah. The manager found it slightly open
and let himself in. He was surprised to find it
unlocked at that hour.
FAYE: So if there are no signs of forced entry,
than the killer may have been a guest...
(She stops, looking over at Calleigh and Tripp.
Both their faces are the picture of attention.
Faye blushes.)
FAYE: Umm, right?
Cut to:
(Calleigh smiling.)
CALLEIGH: Good job, Faye. You put the evidence
in context. That's a really good start.
(Faye smiles, but switches back to analytical in
an instant.)
FAYE: Where did you find Ms. West.?
TRIPP: Upstairs in the bedroom. Follow me...
(The girls follow Frank upstairs.
Calleigh has a look of pride, and Faye's cheeks are
still glowing.)
Cut to:
(Bedroom interior as they enter.
Faye walks slower than Calleigh, her eyes fixed on
the victim on the gurney, ready to be taken away
by Alexx's team.
She puts down her kit, stopping for a moment.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh snapping on her gloves, looking over at
CALLEIGH: Faye... you alright?
Cut to:
(Faye nodding slowly.)
FAYE: Yeah... sorry, I just needed a second.
(Calleigh nods.)
CALLEIGH: It's hard the first time. But always
remember that we are the ones who will be
able to find who did this to her. We are her
(Faye nods, bending down to put on her gloves.)
FAYE: Okay, Calleigh. You're right. Let's nail this
(Both of them focus on the scene.)
Cut to:
(The team wheeling out Sheena.
Her hands lie still across her chest.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh shining her maglight around the room.)
Cut to:
(Faye kneeling down to sweep her light across
the floor.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh leaning close to the pillow.)
White flash to:
(Several dark hairs on the pillow case.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh collecting the hairs with tweezers.)
CALLEIGH: Got some hairs that don't match our
vic. We have the killer's DNA.
Cut to:
(Faye looking under the bed.)
FAYE: You know about diamonds being a girl's
best friend? Well DNA is a CSI's best friend.
Cut to:
(Faye's maglight illuminating a cellpone under
the bed.)
Cut to:
(Faye picking it up.)
FAYE: Calleigh, look... a cellphone.
CALLEIGH: Nice catch. We can track the perp
through her phone records.
FAYE: I'll get on it when we get back to the
(She bags the phone.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh lifting up the bedspread.)
White flash to:
(Calleigh switching on the ALS and sweeping it
across the sheets.
There are several large stains.)
FAYE: Someone got lucky.
CALLEIGH: And so did we.
(She looks at Faye.)
CALLEIGH: Care to do the honours?
(Faye retrieves her kit and pulls out a Q-tip.)
FAYE: My first swab, very exciting.
(She swabs the stain slowly.)
FAYE: I'm thinking that these stains are a
mixture of his and her DNA...
CALLEIGH: So take several, just to be safe.
We can seperate them at the lab. And the
more DNA evidence we have linking our killer
to the crime scene, the stronger our case
will be.
FAYE: Where there's a will, there's a way,
so swab it.
Cut to:
(Faye sealing the swabs.)
FAYE: Off you go for a ride on the thermocycler.
Cut to:
(Calleigh standing by the small table by the
Cut to:
(Shot of glasses on the table.)
Cut to:
(Faye walking over.)
FAYE: Drinks for two. Question is, which one's
CALLEIGH: Take a look at this.
(She lifts up one glass, holding it up to the light
to see the lip-print.)
CALLEIGH: You see that?
Cut to:
(Close-up of glitter on the lip-print.)
FAYE: Lip-gloss.
CALLEIGH: Mmhmm... so that leaves number
(She dusts the other glass for prints.)
FAYE: Smells like Tequila... our couple's little
fiesta might have turned pear-shaped...
CALLEIGH: It's a theory, but we won't know
for sure until Sheena's body gives us some
(Faye looks away for a minute, thinking to
She shuts her eyes.)
FAYE: How am I doing so far?
CALLEIGH: Really well. I'm proud of you.
FAYE: Thanks, Calleigh.
(They continue to process in silence.)
Cut to:
(Shot of the crime-lab.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Alexx finishing up the post on Sheena.
The door opens, and Calleigh and Faye
walk in.)
CALLEIGH: Hey, Alexx. Is that our girl?
ALEXX: Just finished, Cal... hey, Faye.
Cut to:
(Faye giving Alexx a smile, before her eyes
flick briefly to Sheena on the table.)
FAYE: Morning, Dr. Woods... umm... so what
caused our vic's asphyxiation? What strangled
ALEXX: First off, sugar, you can call me Alexx.
We're all friends here. I examined the bruises
on her neck, and they were consistent with
a strong chokehold...
White flash to:
(Hnads wrapped around Sheena's throat.)
ALEXX: (v.o) There was a great deal of force
applied, so much it snapped her trachea and
crushed her larynx. Pitichial haemorraging
around the eyes...
Cut to:
(Close-up of Sheena's eyes, bloodshot.)
ALEXX: Indicates that she died of acute
CALLEIGH: We found evidence that Sheena
was drinking, glass found at the scene with
traces of Tequila. What was her blood alcohol
ALEXX: I put a rush on tox for you. Came back
positive for alcohol, but it wasn't terribly high.
She wasn't rendered defenseless...
FAYE: Which means she may have been near-
cognizant enough to fight back. Anything else,
Doctor... I mean, Alexx?
(Alexx smiles.)
(She lifts up Sheena's hand.)
ALEXX: Found skin under her fingernails, and
evidence of sexual activity. Ran a rape kit too,
but as far as I could see, it was consensual.
Cut to:
(Faye punching the air.)
FAYE: Strike two and three for the perp. His
DNA's in the bag.
CALLEIGH: That's right. We'll get those scrapings
and the semen sample to DNA. Thank you, Alexx.
ALEXX: Anytime, girls.
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Horatio stepping out of the elevator,
meeting Frank.)
HORATIO: Frank... anything new on the
West girl?
TRIPP: Yeah, H... she was working last night
at the 'Cameo' nightclub. Employee records
show she clocked out at 9:45. No one saw
her after that.
HORATIO: Bit early to leave the nightshift,
isn't it?
TRIPP: That's what I thought. Martin, her
manager, thought nothing of it. She was a
great worker, according to him.
HORATIO: 'She was' being the keywords
here. Let's pay that club a visit...
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Shot of bartender at the bar, wiping down
the countertop.)
TRIPP: Enrique Marquez?
(Enrique looks up to see Tripp standing there.
Horatio is behind him.)
ENRIQUE: That's me. Who wants to know?
TRIPP: Miami-Dade P.D, we've got some
questions for you. Were you working here
last night?
ENRIQUE: Yeah, I was. I prefer the night-life,
brings out an interesting crowd. What of it?
TRIPP: You didn't happen to see Sheena West
around, did you?
(Enrique gives a loud laugh.
Tripp frowns. Horatio raises his eyebrows.)
ENRIQUE: Dude, you'd have to be blind not to
see her! She's banging, a real hot tamale! Great
dancer, great body... hey, I don't spy on her
or anything. I just watch her dance along with
half the male population of Miami, and after that,
it's business as usual. She'd pass me now and I
wouldn't see her...
HORATIO: That's unfortunate... because she
left here last night and was found dead this
Cut to:
(Enrique dropping the glass he was holding.)
ENRIQUE: Oh my God... Sheena's dead? No,
I can't believe... Jesus, I...
TRIPP: Let's try that last question again:
did you see her last night?
(Enrique swallows.)
ENRIQUE: Umm... she was dancing for most
of the night, but when she wasn't, she kept
hanging with this dude.
HORATIO: Did you get a look at him?
ENRIQUE: Aw, man, it was dark in here, and
then you had all the strobe lights and crap...
He had, uhh... dark hair... black, spiky...
looked all shiny with hair-gel.
HORATIO: That sounds like a good look.
ENRIQUE: His head was shining with that stuff!
I'm surprised Sheena's hands weren't covered
in that junk! Why would a man use product
anyway? No thank you! I'm sure I saw him and
Sheena leave together, but I'm not one hundred
per cent...
TRIPP: You got security cameras here?
ENRIQUE: Yeah, we do. One in each corner
of the club, one round the back in the alley,
and one out front at the entrance. Guys and
chicks come out here in their bling, this place
is prey for burglaries.
HORATIO: I'm going to need all the tapes from
last night.
ENRIQUE: Sure man, anything to help catch
that bastard. Sheena was the most gorgeaus,
genuine woman... give me 5 minutes with that
TRIPP: Uhh... thanks for your time.
(He turns to Horatio.)
TRIPP: What do you think?
HORATIO: I'm thinking that our killer got himself
caught off-guard, and hopefully... caught on
Fade in:
Cut to:
(Faye extracting DNA from the hairs, semen
and skin cell samples.
She compares them, each matching up.
She runs the DNA through CODIS.)
FAYE: Come on, hit...
(The screen lights up with 'No matches found'.
Faye sighs.)
Cut to:
(Faye walking out of the lab to get some air.
She meets Calleigh.)
FAYE: Hey, Calleigh. I ran DNA just there, found
no matches in CODIS.
CALLEIGH: Hmm, he may not be a prior offender.
Don't worry.
FAYE: Okay, I'm just going to process that
CALLEIGH: Alright, I'm going to start going
through the 'Cameo' security tapes, see you
Cut to:
(Faye entering the lab.
She takes out the phone, and dusts it lightly.
Two distinct fingerprints are revealed.
Faye photographs them.)
White flash to:
(Faye comparing the prints to Sheena's 10
FAYE: The first one is hers... so that means
the second is the killer's... but why did he
touch it? Or why did she? I need to find out
whose cellphone this is...
Cut to:
(Faye bringing the phone to fellow lab tech,
John Phillips.)
FAYE: Hey, John.
(He turns and smiles when he sees her.)
JOHN PHILLIPS: Hey there, Miss Field-Mouse
(Faye laughs.)
FAYE: Don't worry, I'll always be a lab-tech
at heart.
(John smiles again.)
JOHN PHILLIPS: What do you have for me?
FAYE: A cell-phone recovered from the scene.
It looks like it was thrown, the screen's cracked.
Can you do anything with it?
(John takes the phone from her, examining it.)
JOHN: You're right, it was broken badly, but I
can take out the SIM card and examine that
and its internal circuits as well. What do you
FAYE: I need you to trace this phone back
to its owner. I've lifted two sets of prints,
one matches the victim, the other possibly
the killer. I need the phone records as well
to track our mystery man.
JOHN PHILLIPS: No problem, Faye. I'll get
back to you. You're on my speed-dial.
FAYE: Thanks, John. You're a star.
(She leaves.)
Cut to:
(John disassembling the phone, taking out
the SIM card.
He enters some digits into the computor.
The computor beings to search.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh in the AV lab, watching the 'Cameo'
security tapes.
She makes notes every few seconds,
occasionally pausing and rewinding the tape.)
Cut to:
(Faye coming in and sitting beside her.)
FAYE: And me forgetting to bring popcorn.
(Calleigh grins.)
CALLEIGH: As riveting as these tapes are, I've
only caught a few glimpses of Sheena with our
mystery man...
(She pauses the tape and points to the screen.)
CALLEIGH: See... his back's turned most of the
FAYE: Do you think he's focused on Sheena or
just camera shy?
CALLEIGH: Could be both... physical description
matches the bartender's statement. Dark hair,
FAYE: Sharp dresser too.
(Calleigh runs the tape forwards a few frames.
The man and Sheena stay at the bar.)
FAYE: He bought her a few drinks. He wasn't
short of cash.
CALLEIGH: Which could rule out robbery as a
(Faye leans back in the chair.)
FAYE: We have so much evidence on this guy.
We have him on the tapes, and we still don't
know who he is. He's either very careful...
Cut to:
(Freeze-frame of the man's back to the camera,
Sheena's arms around him.)
FAYE: Or very, very smart.
CALLEIGH: Even the most clever killer can't
escape Loucard...
FAYE: And he'll leave something behind.
(They look at each other.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Faye sipping coffe and reviewing the notes
on the security tapes.
She taps her fingers on the coffee mug, deep
in thought.
She turns in her chair as John Phillips comes in,
holding some sheets.)
FAYE: Hey, John! Anything from the cellphone?
(John pauses, fiddling with the pages.
Faye frowns.)
FAYE: What's wrong?
JOHN: I, uhh... managed to trace the serial
number of the cellphone SIM card to the person
who purchased it... and here's the owner...
(He hands Faye the printout.
She reads it.)
Cut to:
(Her eyes widening in shock.
She looks up at John.)
FAYE: Have you showed this to anyone else?
JOHN: No, just you... I didn't think, I...
FAYE: It's okay... leave this with me...
thanks, John.
(He nods, leaving.)
Cut to:
(Faye sitting back down, still holding the
Cut to:
(Close-up of her eyes re-reading the words.
She presses her lips together.)
Cut to:
(Her hands shaking as she sets the page down.
She puts her hand to her forehead.)
Cut to:
(Shot of the page on the table.)
Cut to:
(Close-up of words, panning left to right:
'Cell-phone traced to:
Jake Berkley'.)
Cut to:
(Faye sitting back, staring at the ceiling,
closing her eyes.)
Here's a synopsis:
Calleigh and Faye Collins(You might remember her as the girl who saw the 'rocking Hummer' and freaked out! :lol
I hope you enjoy. It's rather long with 2 posts so bring some snacks. :guffaw
Here we go!!:
Fade in:
(Sun rising over Miami.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Camera pans up the hallway towards a
slightly opened door.)
Cut to:
(Curtains billowing.)
Cut to:
(Bedside table, panning to the left.
Shot of a woman's hand laying on the
Pan across the pillow to shot of her face.
Focus in on her eyes wide open.)
White flash to:
(Bruises on her neck.)
White flash to:
(Wide shot of her laying on the bed.)
White flash to:
Cut to:
(Officer rolling out the yellow 'Do Not
Cross' tape.)
Cut to:
(Continuous shot of bystanders looking on.)
Cut to:
(Police lights flashing.)
Cut to:
(Hummer pulling up.
Horatio gets out, sunglasses shielding his
eyes, and enters the crime-scene.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Alexx leaning over the victim next to her
on the bed, examining her head.)
Cut to:
(Horatio entering the room and removing his
Cut back to:
(Alexx taking the victim's wrist in her hand.)
ALEXX: Oh sweetie. You had your whole life
in front of you...
Cut to:
(Horatio surveying the room.)
HORATIO: Time of death, Alexx?
ALEXX: Just checking it now, Horatio.
(She inserts the thermometor into the woman's
side, checking her liver temperature.)
ALEXX: Liver temp is cooler by 13 degrees.
Puts her death at 11 p.m last night.
(Horatio looks on for a moment.)
HORATIO: To be attacked in your own home,
the place where you're most secure...
ALEXX: That wasn't the case for you, was it,
HORATIO: Cause of death, please?
(Alexx examines her neck.)
ALEXX: Appears to be strangulation. Major
bruising on her neck. Doesn't look like a
ligature mark though.
(Horatio moves closer, looking at the bruising.)
HORATIO: Killer may have used his hands...
White flash to:
(Woman being choked violently.)
ALEXX: She died with her eyes open. She must
have been terrified and screamed for help...
HORATIO: And someone... wanted to silence her
for good.
Fade in:
(Shot of Miami.)
Cut to
Cut to:
(Calleigh walking through the crowd, kit in hand.
Faye Collins accompanies her.
This is Faye's first time in the field.)
Cut to:
(Close-up of Faye's face.
She is completely serious.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh looking at her.)
CALLEIGH: You okay?
Cut to:
(Faye 'snapping out' of her trance.)
FAYE: Pardon? Oh, I'm okay, thanks Calleigh.
Just getting in the zone. This is my 'serious'
face, but inside I'm a bit nervous...
CALLEIGH: (smiling) Don't worry, you'll be fine.
Just follow the evidence, and listen to it, just
like we taught you.
(Faye nods, taking in a breath.)
FAYE: Okay... the evidence never lies...
Cut to:
(Shot of Calleigh and Faye from behind as
they duck below the tape.
Frank Tripp meets them.)
TRIPP: Hey, Calleigh... Faye? Never knew you
were in the field.
FAYE: I'm brand new, shiny in fact. This is my
first scene...
(She looks to Calleigh, who gives her a nod.)
FAYE: ... So what do we have, Frank?
(Frank pauses, giving Faye an encouraging smile,
before reading out his notes.)
FRANK: Vic's name is Sheena West, 24. She was
a Miami native, and worked as a waitress and a
dancer at the Cameo nightclub.
CALLEIGH: Who reported it?
TRIPP: Sheena worked the dayshift at the club
Tuesdays and Thursdays, and when she didn't
show up, her manager called and discovered her.
Cut to:
(Faye listening intently.
The three of them are now in the hallway.
As Frank continues to fill them in, Faye looks at
the door.
The camera zooms in on the door handle.)
FAYE: Was the door unlocked?
TRIPP: Yeah. The manager found it slightly open
and let himself in. He was surprised to find it
unlocked at that hour.
FAYE: So if there are no signs of forced entry,
than the killer may have been a guest...
(She stops, looking over at Calleigh and Tripp.
Both their faces are the picture of attention.
Faye blushes.)
FAYE: Umm, right?
Cut to:
(Calleigh smiling.)
CALLEIGH: Good job, Faye. You put the evidence
in context. That's a really good start.
(Faye smiles, but switches back to analytical in
an instant.)
FAYE: Where did you find Ms. West.?
TRIPP: Upstairs in the bedroom. Follow me...
(The girls follow Frank upstairs.
Calleigh has a look of pride, and Faye's cheeks are
still glowing.)
Cut to:
(Bedroom interior as they enter.
Faye walks slower than Calleigh, her eyes fixed on
the victim on the gurney, ready to be taken away
by Alexx's team.
She puts down her kit, stopping for a moment.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh snapping on her gloves, looking over at
CALLEIGH: Faye... you alright?
Cut to:
(Faye nodding slowly.)
FAYE: Yeah... sorry, I just needed a second.
(Calleigh nods.)
CALLEIGH: It's hard the first time. But always
remember that we are the ones who will be
able to find who did this to her. We are her
(Faye nods, bending down to put on her gloves.)
FAYE: Okay, Calleigh. You're right. Let's nail this
(Both of them focus on the scene.)
Cut to:
(The team wheeling out Sheena.
Her hands lie still across her chest.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh shining her maglight around the room.)
Cut to:
(Faye kneeling down to sweep her light across
the floor.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh leaning close to the pillow.)
White flash to:
(Several dark hairs on the pillow case.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh collecting the hairs with tweezers.)
CALLEIGH: Got some hairs that don't match our
vic. We have the killer's DNA.
Cut to:
(Faye looking under the bed.)
FAYE: You know about diamonds being a girl's
best friend? Well DNA is a CSI's best friend.
Cut to:
(Faye's maglight illuminating a cellpone under
the bed.)
Cut to:
(Faye picking it up.)
FAYE: Calleigh, look... a cellphone.
CALLEIGH: Nice catch. We can track the perp
through her phone records.
FAYE: I'll get on it when we get back to the
(She bags the phone.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh lifting up the bedspread.)
White flash to:
(Calleigh switching on the ALS and sweeping it
across the sheets.
There are several large stains.)
FAYE: Someone got lucky.
CALLEIGH: And so did we.
(She looks at Faye.)
CALLEIGH: Care to do the honours?
(Faye retrieves her kit and pulls out a Q-tip.)
FAYE: My first swab, very exciting.
(She swabs the stain slowly.)
FAYE: I'm thinking that these stains are a
mixture of his and her DNA...
CALLEIGH: So take several, just to be safe.
We can seperate them at the lab. And the
more DNA evidence we have linking our killer
to the crime scene, the stronger our case
will be.
FAYE: Where there's a will, there's a way,
so swab it.
Cut to:
(Faye sealing the swabs.)
FAYE: Off you go for a ride on the thermocycler.
Cut to:
(Calleigh standing by the small table by the
Cut to:
(Shot of glasses on the table.)
Cut to:
(Faye walking over.)
FAYE: Drinks for two. Question is, which one's
CALLEIGH: Take a look at this.
(She lifts up one glass, holding it up to the light
to see the lip-print.)
CALLEIGH: You see that?
Cut to:
(Close-up of glitter on the lip-print.)
FAYE: Lip-gloss.
CALLEIGH: Mmhmm... so that leaves number
(She dusts the other glass for prints.)
FAYE: Smells like Tequila... our couple's little
fiesta might have turned pear-shaped...
CALLEIGH: It's a theory, but we won't know
for sure until Sheena's body gives us some
(Faye looks away for a minute, thinking to
She shuts her eyes.)
FAYE: How am I doing so far?
CALLEIGH: Really well. I'm proud of you.
FAYE: Thanks, Calleigh.
(They continue to process in silence.)
Cut to:
(Shot of the crime-lab.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Alexx finishing up the post on Sheena.
The door opens, and Calleigh and Faye
walk in.)
CALLEIGH: Hey, Alexx. Is that our girl?
ALEXX: Just finished, Cal... hey, Faye.
Cut to:
(Faye giving Alexx a smile, before her eyes
flick briefly to Sheena on the table.)
FAYE: Morning, Dr. Woods... umm... so what
caused our vic's asphyxiation? What strangled
ALEXX: First off, sugar, you can call me Alexx.
We're all friends here. I examined the bruises
on her neck, and they were consistent with
a strong chokehold...
White flash to:
(Hnads wrapped around Sheena's throat.)
ALEXX: (v.o) There was a great deal of force
applied, so much it snapped her trachea and
crushed her larynx. Pitichial haemorraging
around the eyes...
Cut to:
(Close-up of Sheena's eyes, bloodshot.)
ALEXX: Indicates that she died of acute
CALLEIGH: We found evidence that Sheena
was drinking, glass found at the scene with
traces of Tequila. What was her blood alcohol
ALEXX: I put a rush on tox for you. Came back
positive for alcohol, but it wasn't terribly high.
She wasn't rendered defenseless...
FAYE: Which means she may have been near-
cognizant enough to fight back. Anything else,
Doctor... I mean, Alexx?
(Alexx smiles.)
(She lifts up Sheena's hand.)
ALEXX: Found skin under her fingernails, and
evidence of sexual activity. Ran a rape kit too,
but as far as I could see, it was consensual.
Cut to:
(Faye punching the air.)
FAYE: Strike two and three for the perp. His
DNA's in the bag.
CALLEIGH: That's right. We'll get those scrapings
and the semen sample to DNA. Thank you, Alexx.
ALEXX: Anytime, girls.
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Horatio stepping out of the elevator,
meeting Frank.)
HORATIO: Frank... anything new on the
West girl?
TRIPP: Yeah, H... she was working last night
at the 'Cameo' nightclub. Employee records
show she clocked out at 9:45. No one saw
her after that.
HORATIO: Bit early to leave the nightshift,
isn't it?
TRIPP: That's what I thought. Martin, her
manager, thought nothing of it. She was a
great worker, according to him.
HORATIO: 'She was' being the keywords
here. Let's pay that club a visit...
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Shot of bartender at the bar, wiping down
the countertop.)
TRIPP: Enrique Marquez?
(Enrique looks up to see Tripp standing there.
Horatio is behind him.)
ENRIQUE: That's me. Who wants to know?
TRIPP: Miami-Dade P.D, we've got some
questions for you. Were you working here
last night?
ENRIQUE: Yeah, I was. I prefer the night-life,
brings out an interesting crowd. What of it?
TRIPP: You didn't happen to see Sheena West
around, did you?
(Enrique gives a loud laugh.
Tripp frowns. Horatio raises his eyebrows.)
ENRIQUE: Dude, you'd have to be blind not to
see her! She's banging, a real hot tamale! Great
dancer, great body... hey, I don't spy on her
or anything. I just watch her dance along with
half the male population of Miami, and after that,
it's business as usual. She'd pass me now and I
wouldn't see her...
HORATIO: That's unfortunate... because she
left here last night and was found dead this
Cut to:
(Enrique dropping the glass he was holding.)
ENRIQUE: Oh my God... Sheena's dead? No,
I can't believe... Jesus, I...
TRIPP: Let's try that last question again:
did you see her last night?
(Enrique swallows.)
ENRIQUE: Umm... she was dancing for most
of the night, but when she wasn't, she kept
hanging with this dude.
HORATIO: Did you get a look at him?
ENRIQUE: Aw, man, it was dark in here, and
then you had all the strobe lights and crap...
He had, uhh... dark hair... black, spiky...
looked all shiny with hair-gel.
HORATIO: That sounds like a good look.
ENRIQUE: His head was shining with that stuff!
I'm surprised Sheena's hands weren't covered
in that junk! Why would a man use product
anyway? No thank you! I'm sure I saw him and
Sheena leave together, but I'm not one hundred
per cent...
TRIPP: You got security cameras here?
ENRIQUE: Yeah, we do. One in each corner
of the club, one round the back in the alley,
and one out front at the entrance. Guys and
chicks come out here in their bling, this place
is prey for burglaries.
HORATIO: I'm going to need all the tapes from
last night.
ENRIQUE: Sure man, anything to help catch
that bastard. Sheena was the most gorgeaus,
genuine woman... give me 5 minutes with that
TRIPP: Uhh... thanks for your time.
(He turns to Horatio.)
TRIPP: What do you think?
HORATIO: I'm thinking that our killer got himself
caught off-guard, and hopefully... caught on
Fade in:
Cut to:
(Faye extracting DNA from the hairs, semen
and skin cell samples.
She compares them, each matching up.
She runs the DNA through CODIS.)
FAYE: Come on, hit...
(The screen lights up with 'No matches found'.
Faye sighs.)
Cut to:
(Faye walking out of the lab to get some air.
She meets Calleigh.)
FAYE: Hey, Calleigh. I ran DNA just there, found
no matches in CODIS.
CALLEIGH: Hmm, he may not be a prior offender.
Don't worry.
FAYE: Okay, I'm just going to process that
CALLEIGH: Alright, I'm going to start going
through the 'Cameo' security tapes, see you
Cut to:
(Faye entering the lab.
She takes out the phone, and dusts it lightly.
Two distinct fingerprints are revealed.
Faye photographs them.)
White flash to:
(Faye comparing the prints to Sheena's 10
FAYE: The first one is hers... so that means
the second is the killer's... but why did he
touch it? Or why did she? I need to find out
whose cellphone this is...
Cut to:
(Faye bringing the phone to fellow lab tech,
John Phillips.)
FAYE: Hey, John.
(He turns and smiles when he sees her.)
JOHN PHILLIPS: Hey there, Miss Field-Mouse
(Faye laughs.)
FAYE: Don't worry, I'll always be a lab-tech
at heart.
(John smiles again.)
JOHN PHILLIPS: What do you have for me?
FAYE: A cell-phone recovered from the scene.
It looks like it was thrown, the screen's cracked.
Can you do anything with it?
(John takes the phone from her, examining it.)
JOHN: You're right, it was broken badly, but I
can take out the SIM card and examine that
and its internal circuits as well. What do you
FAYE: I need you to trace this phone back
to its owner. I've lifted two sets of prints,
one matches the victim, the other possibly
the killer. I need the phone records as well
to track our mystery man.
JOHN PHILLIPS: No problem, Faye. I'll get
back to you. You're on my speed-dial.
FAYE: Thanks, John. You're a star.
(She leaves.)
Cut to:
(John disassembling the phone, taking out
the SIM card.
He enters some digits into the computor.
The computor beings to search.)
Cut to:
(Calleigh in the AV lab, watching the 'Cameo'
security tapes.
She makes notes every few seconds,
occasionally pausing and rewinding the tape.)
Cut to:
(Faye coming in and sitting beside her.)
FAYE: And me forgetting to bring popcorn.
(Calleigh grins.)
CALLEIGH: As riveting as these tapes are, I've
only caught a few glimpses of Sheena with our
mystery man...
(She pauses the tape and points to the screen.)
CALLEIGH: See... his back's turned most of the
FAYE: Do you think he's focused on Sheena or
just camera shy?
CALLEIGH: Could be both... physical description
matches the bartender's statement. Dark hair,
FAYE: Sharp dresser too.
(Calleigh runs the tape forwards a few frames.
The man and Sheena stay at the bar.)
FAYE: He bought her a few drinks. He wasn't
short of cash.
CALLEIGH: Which could rule out robbery as a
(Faye leans back in the chair.)
FAYE: We have so much evidence on this guy.
We have him on the tapes, and we still don't
know who he is. He's either very careful...
Cut to:
(Freeze-frame of the man's back to the camera,
Sheena's arms around him.)
FAYE: Or very, very smart.
CALLEIGH: Even the most clever killer can't
escape Loucard...
FAYE: And he'll leave something behind.
(They look at each other.)
Cut to:
Cut to:
Cut to:
(Faye sipping coffe and reviewing the notes
on the security tapes.
She taps her fingers on the coffee mug, deep
in thought.
She turns in her chair as John Phillips comes in,
holding some sheets.)
FAYE: Hey, John! Anything from the cellphone?
(John pauses, fiddling with the pages.
Faye frowns.)
FAYE: What's wrong?
JOHN: I, uhh... managed to trace the serial
number of the cellphone SIM card to the person
who purchased it... and here's the owner...
(He hands Faye the printout.
She reads it.)
Cut to:
(Her eyes widening in shock.
She looks up at John.)
FAYE: Have you showed this to anyone else?
JOHN: No, just you... I didn't think, I...
FAYE: It's okay... leave this with me...
thanks, John.
(He nods, leaving.)
Cut to:
(Faye sitting back down, still holding the
Cut to:
(Close-up of her eyes re-reading the words.
She presses her lips together.)
Cut to:
(Her hands shaking as she sets the page down.
She puts her hand to her forehead.)
Cut to:
(Shot of the page on the table.)
Cut to:
(Close-up of words, panning left to right:
'Cell-phone traced to:
Jake Berkley'.)
Cut to:
(Faye sitting back, staring at the ceiling,
closing her eyes.)