CSI Drinking Game

Ok we are going to try and narrow them down and make a game for each.

First I'll go with Las Vegas:
-Take a drink everytime an appreviation is used (DNA, COD, TOB, CODIS, AFIS)
-Take a drink everytime a word is used that you don't know the meaning too (Eppithlio, Oxcipital Bone, or pretty much anything Doc Robbins says after his autopsy)
-Take a drink everytime Grissom raises his right eyebrow or quotes some kind of poetry or lesson (There is a difference between scaring her and preparting her, Sometimes the hardest thing to do, is do nothing)

Ok still trying to come up with the most common thing the rest of the cast does; Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Brass, Sara, Greg, etc.

Input is wanted
Oh ya, take a drink everytime a new suspect is questioned

And also take a drink everytime there is a flashback

This game is getting better by the second, keep the ideas coming
Each time Miami tries one of the multiple camera effects, take a gulp for each video box shown on screen.
everything is fine so far, but I just wanted to pop in and remind you that you can edit your post within 24 hours, mrb105, rather than double-posting. ;)
Thanks for digging up my thread, but I don't understand ur post.

Any more ideas to add on to the drinking game???
I like that a lot. A priority in the game should to take a shot or chug a beer for everytime a shot of the city is taken, whether it is Miami, Vegas, Or New York
Okay I got some...

1. Take a drink when anyone of our CSI's wears thier cap backwards.

2.Take a drink when you get a longshot of Grissom and his bow-legged legs.

3.Take a drink when Sara invades Grissoms space, or visa versa.

4.Take a drink when someone calls Grissom 'Gil'

5.Take a HUGE drink if Brass isnt wearing a suit LOL :lol: :lol:

hmm, dats all I got..
A Miami one:
Take a drink when Horatio takes off his jacket, but you won't get drunk or anything
Take a drink when Stetler shows up
Take a drink when any CSI eats or drinks anything (as this amost NEVER happens)
Here's one if you wanna get drunk:

- Take a drink whenever the DNA sample recovered from the scene doesn't match anyone in CODIS nor any one of the CSIs' suspects.... and it's a different gender than their prime suspect. :p

And if your underage (like me): Drink root beer. I have found that a few cans after awhile has the same side effects of actual beer. :D (Trust me- I drank one before church a few years back and staggered in; my sister said "No more root beer for you if it makes you act like a real drunk!!")
That's due to all the caffeine and sugar, which makes you hyper, while alcohol slows down your central nervous system.

Anyways, back on point, My friends and I tested this one out. If you really want to get drunk while watching CSI, take a drink everytime their is a city shot, a hiaku or punchline by Grissom, Mac, or Horatio, a drink somebody gives their DNA, and everytime a clue is found (piece of evidence, phone records, anything that leads the CSI's further to their suspect). Also, at the second to last commercial break (40 min mark or so), you have to guess the criminal (either somebody showed already or you can cast your vote by saying the criminal has yet to be introduced yet). If you are right you don't have to drink, but if your wrong you have to drink double. If you've already seen the episode, sit that part out and if your opponent gets it correct, then you must drink but if they are incorrect you don't. Understand?? I think that is a good way to keep it fun and simple. If anybody has any other fun and simple things to add on, speak up.
Ashleywillows - that drinking game rocks!! LOL! Love it.

Mrb105 - I can't wait to try that last one out. You done it before?! And how drunk were you by the end? :p lol
It depends on what u classify a drink. For every drink we drank for 10 seconds, so roughly every 2 to 3 drinks was an entire beer. The key to the game is picking an episode with a lot of clues and a lot of suspects, you'll get buzzed a little quicker. We played ours to the Season 5 episode Swap Meet, by the end of the episode I'd dranken 6 or 7 beers, so I guess you can say it was pretty successful. Grissom really had his shakespeare material working that epi.