CSI Drinking Game


Me and my friends were looking for another drinking game the other day, and I thought it would be a good idea to try and come up with a CSI Drinking Game. I don't know what would be good idea though. I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas. And try to give me ideas that would work, not "Everytime Horatio has his head tilted to the side take a shot." I prefer Las Vegas over all so try and keep them based towards that. Thanks Gang.
hmmm not a bad idea, but I want this game to really get me drunk. I was thinking something like, take a drink everytime there is an abbreviation (C.O.D, T.O.D, DNA, etc.) or a scientific word gets used then you don't know what it is. Like eppithelios or something like that
actually, I found a website that had one a while back, I wonder if I can find it again......
2. Take one drink every time H places his arms on his hips.
3. Take two drinks when Horatio takes his sunglasses off for dramatic effect.
4. Likewise, take another two swigs when Horatio puts his sunglasses on for dramatic effect.
This thread will be fine so long as we keep it PG-13 and don't talk about underage drinking. ;) If you're underage, you can drink Kool-Aid or something. :p Let's make it about having fun and pointing out things that happen a lot rather than getting drunk. :)

Also, you don't have to keep your submissions related to just the Vegas CSI. While that may be what the original poster is looking for, since this is in GenCSI all of the shows are welcome. ;)
Take a sip each time they use luminol, DNA swab, or alternate light source.
Take two sips each time they discuss using one of the computer databases like CODIS (for DNA), AFIS (for fingerprints), NIBIN (ballistics), and NCIC (National Crime Information Center).
Take a big drink when Nick gets into serious trouble ("Grave Danger").
Take a sip when Ecklie is a pain in the butt.
Take a big drink when Ecklie does something nice for a change.
Take a small sip for each numbered tent card used at a crime scene. If someone used an automatic gun with lots of bullets, you had better have a large pitcher waiting for you.
-Take one drink every time Greg flirts with a colleague.
-Take one drink every time Brass smirks
-Take a drink every time Grissom already knows something when one of the others ring up/catch up with him to tell him said something
-Take a drink every time Nick looks confused
My husband and I came up with this one:

(from NY) Take a drink every time Sid breaks his glasses apart to put them on or take them off.
-Take a drink every time Horatio actually calls Ryan by his first name. (Or, if you want to get drunk, every time he calls Ryan 'Mr. Wolfe.')
judging from resent episodes on vegas:
have a drink every time sara makes sappy love eyes at grissom
have a drink every time sara makes a snappy comment at grissom to let him know shes pissed

have a drink every time a suspect says 'i want a lawyer'
have a drink every time a lawyer tells their client to stop talking
If George Wendt ever guests stars on an episode, shout "NORM!" and drink a whole pitcher.
On NY:

-- take a drink every time Flack stares at Danny when he's supposed to be paying attention to something else.