CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'You Kill Me'

CSI Files


David Hodges and Wendy Simms go over case scenarios he's thought out, featuring victims--and killers--from the lab, along with the help of the other lab techs. In Hodges' scenarios, Archie Johnson, Henry Andrews and even Wendy herself all fall victim to nefarious killers in the lab, though the initial suspect in every case--Bobby Dawson--never does turn out to be the killer. Wendy surprises Hodges when she tells him she's contemplating taking the field test to become a CSI. Wendy's sharp eye misses nothing, and she realizes Hodges is up to something when she discovers a tape recorder under the desk he's been using. She confronts him, and he admits he's developing a game called "Lab Rats: The Game of Science and Murder" based on the work of the CSIs and lab techs. Wendy is amused--until she sees the game piece based on her is described as "clumsy yet buxom."

Following Sara's departure, the CSIs reach out to Grissom in different ways. Brass learns that Grissom has talked to Sara, who is visiting her mother in San Francisco. Nick invites Grissom to breakfast with him, but the CSI declines. Catherine suggests Grissom take a few days off and go after Sara, but Grissom says that it's not what Sara wants. Greg is the only one who doesn't offer solace; Grissom's "goodnight" to him is met with a "yeah, whatever!" Grissom seeks refuge in an unlikely place: with Hodges and his game. Grissom solves the murder of Hodges in the game--a frame-up by Hodges in the scenario to implicate Bobby Dawson--and gets some unsolicited advice from Hodges, who tells him that Sara was ready to move on from criminal work and that he can't stand in the way of that.


How do you follow up an episode like "Goodbye and Good Luck"? An episode of Grissom sulking? A routine two-case outing, signaling business as usual? The writers opted for neither, instead offering this lighthearted episode, a bit of comic relief following several heavy offerings. I suspect fans who are drawn to CSI for its mostly serious tone and familiar formula (at least in that usually there's a murder and the CSIs spend the hour solving it) will find "You Kill Me" frustratingly fluffy. It is filler in the sense that it eschews the CSI format, but like its predecessor from last season, "Lab Rats", it's a fun diversion for those willing to sit back and enjoy the ride.


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Loved the lab rats. They are always too funny. I liked at the end how they all re-enacted their scenarios.

BOO HOO Grissom, I'm with Greg on this one "Whatever". Thats what you get for getting involved with the nutcase to begin with.
Cant wait for the case of Sara's ghost to disappear
Wonderful review! It was spot on, as usual. I thought the episode was a great, light-hearted break from all the heavy drama we've been getting. It's nice to know, too, that tptb at CSI are able to make fun of themselves.
Last time I checked, Warrick was a CSI too. So Greg wasn't the only one to not try and comfort Gil. Warrick didn't either... but apparently was forgotten.

Don't like the idea of Wendy or Ronnie joining the nightshift team. And don't like the idea of having more episodes with Gil moping.
Purejoylove said:
Last time I checked, Warrick was a CSI too. So Greg wasn't the only one to not try and comfort Gil. Warrick didn't either... but apparently was forgotten.

Don't like the idea of Wendy or Ronnie joining the nightshift team. And don't like the idea of having more episodes with Gil moping.

Yeah, there wasn't much of Warrick in this episode, but that may be because he has more in store later in the season...?
But I'm glad that Greg's admiration towards Sara wasn't overlooked in a review. If it's covered in a review, then hopefully the writers will incorporate this problem in a future episode, yes? :3

And, yeah... really not fond of another CSI coming into the picture. I'm fine with the crew we have now.
Great review. :D I'm sorry I missed this episode, now I'll have to check it out the next time it airs. :eek: I love the lab rats and it's even better when CSI makes fun of itself. Glad they can have a laugh every now and then.

I'm going to go a bit against the grain here but I'd like another CSI to come forth--preferably a character we've been introduced to (ie: Wendy or Ronnie). Some change might be a breath of fresh air for this show, especially since it's the only one of the CSI siblings to showcase the same characters for seven consecutive years.
I'm going to have to agree with Geni here. Normally, I dislike it when characters who leave the show are replaced (usually right away), but I think it's time to add a new dynamic to the CSI team.
I can see the argument for a new character, but I think Ronnie is essentially new. She's only been in a handful of episodes, and has been set up as an idealistic newbie to Sara's jaded cynic. And CSI did the whole bring in an outsider thing with Keppler just last season, so I don't think they necessarily need to add someone we've never seen before.

New characters are risky, too--some are great, a la Ryan on Miami, and some never really fit in or find their footing, a la Lindsay on NY.

Purejoylove said:
Last time I checked, Warrick was a CSI too. So Greg wasn't the only one to not try and comfort Gil. Warrick didn't either... but apparently was forgotten.

Perhaps I should have said Greg was the only one to offer Grissom hostility over Sara's departure. ;)
I just wanted to say that I thought Gerald did a wonderful job for someone who never gets that big of a part. He did well at the comic and drama. I hope they give Griss another love interest the way they said they would. I like puppy love Griss better than mopey Griss.
Is Gerald who plays Bobby? I felt Bobby did a wonderful job. :3
Wonder who Grissom's future love interest would be. Is Lady Heather out of the picture?
Yes, Gerald play Bobby since either first or second season, I can't remember which season it was. Yes, Lady Heather is out of the picture for now. I hope not Grissom don't get a love interested, because Sara will be back and she will return to Grissom and they will get married, probably in May season finale if the writers' take the deal on Tuesday.
Think it's second. :3
Is that really something that is going to happen? Or is that what you're hoping? I'm getting really thrown off with opinion and real facts nowadays.
Everybody got a opinion on their own. You got a opinion on your own and I got a opinion on my own. Which one you talking about, so I can explain it better.