CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Werewolves'

Ah, I see. That's strange- I can't imagine not believing in something like that. I guess it's easy for someone like me to say I would resort to constantly waxing, no matter how painful, but I would. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to deal with something like that, especially since today's society is still mostly set against what it sees as "abnormalities", unfortunately.

As for seeing a follow-up on CSI... I wouldn't count on it. That's really not their style.
Thanks for all your possitive responceses.
You have to see our documentary, "It's Not Easy Being A Wolf Boy" to see people's attitude.
I agree that CSI have some fascinating episodes.
I also enjoyed the "Chimera," since just like us, lots of people did not believe it could be possible.
The condition that you're referring to is called Blaschko's
syndrome. The Chimera is a mythical beast, however, in relation to the episode shown, Grissom refered to the rapist as being a medical anomaly because his dead twin brother is part of him.
I missed this episode but i would really like to see it... I wish that i didnt have to go out that night... :(