CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Werewolves'

CSI Files


After a husky-voiced caller phones 911 to report a murder, the body of a young man named Hayden Bradford is discovered. Brass tells the CSIs that Hayden was found in his living room, the victim of a bullet to the chest. David Phillips notes Hayden has been dead about twelve hours. The CSIs note Hayden's extremely hairy body and the hair sheddings that cover the floor of the house. Hayden's cell has 6 missed calls from a woman named Michelle on it, and Nick spots a picture of a young woman with the name 'Michelle' written on the back--presumably Hayden's girlfriend. Outside, Catherine spies a broken window and Nick finds a rock near it. He retrieves a print off the rock. Inside Hayden's office Warrick finds a threatening e-mail from someone with the address casinodan@gmail.com , while outside Catherine and Nick uncover a gun buried in the yard.

In the autospy theater, Dr. Robbins tells Grissom that Hayden suffered from Hypertrichosis, a rare genetic disorder causing excess hair growth, which some refer to as 'human werewolf syndrome.' Robbins retrieves the fatal bullet from Hayden's chest. Archie tracks the threatening e-mail to a man named Dan Nobler, who runs an online casino business. Warrick and Greg track him down, and he says he sent the e-mail to Hayden after Hayden lost ten thousand dollars gambling and called his credit card company when the charge went through and falsely claimed it was fraudulent. Dan seems surprised to learn Hayden is dead and denies any involvement. After he goes into his house, Warrick combs the welcome mat he wiped his feet on for trace and discovers pebbles similar to the ones outside Hayden's house. Back at the lab, Bobby Dawson fires the Beretta recovered from Hayden's yard, but the bullets don't match. The fatal bullet from Hayden's chest is silver--the type used to kill werewolves in myth.

The fingerprints on the rock are matched to Brent Moyer, who tells Nick that Hayden was his best friend. Brent says the two were playing a game of catch and the ball broke the window. Brent claims he used the rock to scrape away the glass around the window. The woman Hayden was dating, Michelle, is Brent's sister. Sofia calls Sara to the phone booth where the 911 call was made--there's hair all over the floor. Wendy tests the hair and discovers the DNA is female, with seven alleles in common with Hayden. The hair belongs to Hayden's sister. Sara uncovers a birth certificate for an Allison Bradford, but the paper trail stops there--there's no record Allison went to school or is employed. The hair in the booth and some of the hair from Hayden's house belong to Allison. Catherine, Warrick and Sara return to the house. While Warrick and Sara search the perimeter, Catherine goes inside and discovers a hollow wall. She knocks on it and hears a female voice asking her to go away. Catherine persuades Allison to open the door and discovers a shy young woman, completely covered in hair. In a halting voice, she tells Catherine that she hid in her room when she heard a knock at the door and came out to discover Hayden dead. She waited until midnight to call 911 so no one would trace the call to her. She asks Catherine to help her stay a secret.


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I liked Catherine in this episode, the writers are doing so much better with her this year. I couldn't stand her last year. Sophia needs to move on as far as I'm concerned. Don't feel sorry for her one bit, that's what happens when you play with the cops. You might get shot at. Get over it. And as far as Sara leaving her waiting there for hours, to be sure Sophia remembers how to use a pager? I mean she remembered enough about CSI's to know how to print the booth, maybe next episode she'll remember to PAGE her instead of leaving a VOICE MESSAGE. I mean come on, she was just being bitchy and it wasn't flattering at all. I'm glad Sara didn't drop to her level.
And where in the hell was Brass? The Brass man should have been there, not the blonde with the Texas swagger, and the toothpick in her mouth, which made her even harder to understand, if that's possible.
This episode was just okay. Just like every other episode this season has been.
I seriously miss Sara, Warrick, Nick, Greg, Doc, Brass and Hodges. I'd love to see them on screen for more than 2 minutes and Sophia never again.
I agree very much so with you about seeing more of the old characters (mainly Greg.. but still.) CSI: LV deffinately does have a different feel to it now and I'm not particuarlly fond of it.
Sophia: Not too fond of her either. Well, I don't really dislike her, it's just she's new and she is getting more time than Greg (and at times more than the other characters that the writers love to expand on.) So, I kinda feel like she's trying to take over. Which, it's not her fault but still.
Werewolves: Pretty good episode. I still have hope they will one day give Greg something more than 5 seconds. But I love how they brought this this horrible problem to light and made them real people like they are. When you see someone like that, you judge them, and lets face it, it's kinda human nature. But this episode showed things from their point of view and I really enjoyed it. Its ones like these that you wish the brother didn't die cuz Allison needs him. But at least she's getting her mom back.
So all in all, good episode I guess. Well, the actually story ws good, but the writing with the characters and starting to bother me. I'm getting to the point of thinking they just need to stick to the science and less character plots because it's kinda throwing me off of the show. Of course I'll watch it when it comes on with hope I'll see some of the old CSI back!
I liked the episode. Just, can they get rid of Sophia? She has no real purpose, and they can't really decide what kind of character they want her to be. I mean she was all snippy with Sara for no reason except she was peeved from a few weeks ago when Sara told her she needed to talk to someone outside the Las Vegas Crime Lab about the police shooting. Sara has come a long way, and has been nothing but professional, especially this season. Every minute that Sophia is clogging up the screen, that's one less minute we see our original favs. I NEED MORE BRASS!!!! And, on a side note, if the producers continue to subject us to the unnecessary character of Sophia, please let her use her real British accent, or get her a voice coach! I want to turn down the sound on the TV when she speaks. Her pathetic attempt to mask her accent makes my ears bleed. Perhaps she needs to spend some time with Hugh Lurie from House MD for a few pointers.
Greetings from the Wolf People. We are the real thing.
And we are interested in this episode. Unfortunately, we missed it on January 6. Of course, all our friends called us about the episode after it was over.
My niece and nephew, Chuy and Lili, seem similar to the character of Hayden and Allison.
Anyone knows when it will air again?
Stop by and meet us at: http://www.thewolfpeople.com The Wolf People

Here's Lili and me :

Lili & Me

Lili The Wolf Girl
For what we have been reading in various CSI forums, and fan sites, it seems this episode touched a lot of people.
Even more interesting are those who believe that we do not excist.
Thanks to this episode out webpage hits went throught the roof since it aired.
We'll be watching CSI on Spike TV to get cuahgt up on past episodes.
We have now become fans of CSI.
Some people don't believe that is actually real, or that it can easyly be shaven, unless they see us cloes up, often, they think is just make up.

Check us out on the BBC Documentary: "It's Not Easy Being A Wolf Boy."

Meanwhile, we hope that CSI would do a follow up on "Werewolves" and use one of us as characters.
For what we have been reading in various CSI forums, and fan sites, it seems this episode touched a lot of people.
Even more interesting are those who believe that we do not excist.
Thanks to this episode out webpage hits went throught the roof since it aired.
We'll be watching CSI on Spike TV to get cuahgt up on past episodes.
We have now become fans of CSI.

One of the things about CSI that has always impressed me is how the show brings to light a lot of different things that people don't know about. I had never heard of the Chimera syndrome before "Bloodlines" and I didn't know about the existence of the Furry culture before "Fur and Loathing."

I'm glad you liked the epiosde! Your website is cool. :)