CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'The Happy Place'

CSI Files

<p><b>Synopsis:</b><p>Catherine and Nick investigate the death of Sprig Grenigier, who dove to her death from the apartment she shared with her fiancé. Was it suicide or murder? Nick notices she received a call just before her death which is traced to a pay phone across the street from Sprig's apartment. Though they determine she was happy with her fiancé, the CSIs discover Sprig was trying to lose weight, and that she'd filed for unemployment after losing her job as a bank teller. She had been accused of stealing ten grand from the bank when she changed a customer's fifty dollar bills for a hundred hundred dollar bills rather than one dollar bills. To the bank, it looked like a scam Sprig was in on, but the her fiancé tells the CSIs she had no memory of what happened. The CSIs discover another bank teller who was similarly scammed and Catherine finds a connection: both women were seeing the same hypnotist to deal with various problems in their lives. Catherine and Nick pay a visit to the hypnotist, Viviana Conway, and witness how powerful her brand of hypnotism is. Catherine decides to compare the picture of the man who received the ten thousand dollars at each bank from security footage with Viviana's picture and get a match. The woman disguised herself as a man, went into the banks, gave the women hypnotic cues and stole the money. When Sprig figured out what Viviana had done, Viviana called her and gave her the cue for her honeymoon: to imagine herself in a bikini jumping into the ocean. Sprig did just that, only instead of the ocean she leapt from her balcony onto a bus full of people.<p>A woman is found beaten to death in an alley; the CSIs identify her as Paula Bonfilio and speak with her college-aged son, Scott, who tells them his mother gambled away his college money. He says she'd called him at 10pm the night of her murder after to say she'd be gone for the night. He also mentions she was with her two-year-old, Lexie. The CSIs launch a search for the girl while Archie studies video of Paula gambling at the Tangiers. He notices her with a man with glasses and then traces her to Pete's Pawn shop. The CSIs manage to locate Paula's car with a prostitute and find Lexie at a children's play center. The team recovers prints on Paula's car and traces them to Leon Slocomb--the man with glasses from the surveillance footage at the Tangiers. Leon admits to roughing Paula up and taking her car and kid to scare her into paying her gambling debts, but insists he left her alive. The CSIs uncover a surprising suspect when they catch Scott Bonfilio cashing in a $500 chip Paula won the night of her murder. Scott confesses to Grissom that Paula was his lover, not his mother, and Lexie was their child. At age 15, Scott ran off with Paula, his guidance counselor at school, but was dismayed to see their relationship deteriorate once he came of age and she turned to gambling for thrills. When she called him after lost the car and Lexie, he beat her in a rage. He believes Lexie is better off.<p>Greg calls Sara, still in town after Warrick's funeral, to the hospital where Tom Adler has just pulled the plug on his wife Pam, who had been in a coma for either years following a brutal beating and rape--a case Sara worked. Tom claims Tony Thorpe, the man who raped his wife, send him a note claiming he'd raped her again and was going to keep at it. Hoping to protect his wife, Tom pulled the plug rather than letting his wife suffer any more indignities. When Sara investigates, his story doesn't hold up: Thorpe is in a wheelchair, incapable of raping Tom's wife. Sara confronts Tom, and he admits that he just couldn't take it anymore--Pam was gone, and he was the only one suffering. Sara wonders why he couldn't just tell the hospital staff that, and Tom admits he was ashamed. The ordeal enforces Sara's belief that this life is no longer for her and she packs up and leaves both Las Vegas and Grissom behind.<p><b>Analysis:</b><p>There really isn't anything remotely happy about "The Happy Place." The team is still reeling from Warrick's death, all three cases they're investigating are depressing and Sara and Grissom's relationship disintegrates before the audience's eyes. To be fair, <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season9/for_warrick.shtml">"For Warrick"</a> isn't the kind of episode that can be followed up with a light-hearted turn. Warrick's loss isn't something that either the team or the audience will get over quickly, so following up the season opener with a comedic entry probably would have felt off. But "The Happy Place" is pretty grim: a woman about to get married plunges to her death after losing her job, a young man kills the mother of his daughter in a rage and Sara is confronted with an old case when the husband of a rape victim pulls the plug on her.<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full reviews, please click <A HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/the_happy_place.shtml">here</A>.<center></center>
Is there any less scintillating couple on television? Even when we finally see Grissom and Sara in bed together--the first time since they were revealed as a couple in "Way to Go"--they're fully clothed and lying together chastely on top of the covers. Their romance suits their characters, but a little passion now and then couldn't hurt

Which is probably why TV Guide had Grissom and Sara listed as number nine of TV's Most Boring Relationships-or something to that extent.:rolleyes:
Excellent review, as always. :)

The case Grissom works fits somewhat awkwardly in with the other two; it feels like it should have been the A-case in a different episode.
That's exactly what I thought as well - it was an interesting case that really deserved more buildup and focus.

The thing about the hypnotism case is that the promo and the press release kind of ruined it - there was no surprise beyond it being the woman in a fake beard. And really, once they said nobody but the one doing the hypnotizing could make the person do anything, it was pretty obvious that it was her. I don't know, I just felt like they didn't have enough of a twist or enough misleading details on that case. And solving it didn't really feel like an accomplishment because we knew it was hypnotism before the episode even aired due to the promo, and it just left the feeling that they'd been going around in circles once they learned about the hypnotism (for me at least).

I think it was an awkwardly-constructed episode.

The one moment it is directly acknowledged is a powerful one: Catherine flips open her cell phone to make a call and recoils in shock when she spots Warrick's number in the phone's address book. It's so effective because it's such an everyday little detail.
Yes, that was a good moment. The original spoilers indicated that Nick would see a man and do a double take, thinking it's Warrick (when it obviously isn't, of course) - but I'm glad they went with this instead.
This review is by one person and her opinions and she's not speaking for the whole CSI fans base, I felt so differently but the title did suck:( It should have been called "The Sad Place" the whole team were so depressed and sad.. and I feel that the GSR parts were tantalizing and hott and they sizzle together, so what's one mans views aren't necessarily anothers, not to mention that the character Sara Sidle is returning again, and that would be because HMMM, lets see, to be with Grissom and they will according to WP's own words "When I exit Sara is involved":rolleyes:
This review is by one person and her opinions and she's not speaking for the whole CSI fans base, I felt so differently but the title did suck:( It should have been called "The Sad Place" the whole team were so depressed and sad.. and I feel that the GSR parts were tantalizing and hott and they sizzle together, so what's one mans views aren't necessarily anothers, not to mention that the character Sara Sidle is returning again, and that would be because HMMM, lets see, to be with Grissom and they will according to WP's own words "When I exit Sara is involved":rolleyes:

I didn't see anything in the review that claimed the reviewer was speaking for anyone else but herself or that people don't have the right to like Grissom and Sara together. There's no need to get defensive and snippy.
This review is by one person and her opinions and she's not speaking for the whole CSI fans base, I felt so differently but the title did suck:( It should have been called "The Sad Place" the whole team were so depressed and sad.. and I feel that the GSR parts were tantalizing and hott and they sizzle together, so what's one mans views aren't necessarily anothers, not to mention that the character Sara Sidle is returning again, and that would be because HMMM, lets see, to be with Grissom and they will according to WP's own words "When I exit Sara is involved":rolleyes:

This review, if I am correct, is a personal opinion based on Kristine's views. I don't believe, nor is it stated she is speaking for the entire CSI fanbase.

Kristine, I love your reviews. You put what I want to say in such easier wording. :lol:

Great job!
This review is by one person and her opinions and she's not speaking for the whole CSI fans base, I felt so differently but the title did suck:( It should have been called "The Sad Place" the whole team were so depressed and sad.. and I feel that the GSR parts were tantalizing and hott and they sizzle together, so what's one mans views aren't necessarily anothers, not to mention that the character Sara Sidle is returning again, and that would be because HMMM, lets see, to be with Grissom and they will according to WP's own words "When I exit Sara is involved":rolleyes:

This review, if I am correct, is a personal opinion based on Kristine's views. I don't believe, nor is it stated she is speaking for the entire CSI fanbase.

Kristine, I love your reviews. You put what I want to say in such easier wording. :lol:

Great job!

Thanks Kristine, I like your reviews! I agree with Vegaslights-you are great at putting what I was thinking about the episode into great word use.
I don't think sending him off with Sara would be the most satisfying way to end it (at least not to me) although I do agree that's most definitely what TPTB are going to do. I think Sara should say no to him and go find a brighter future with someone else. Granted, I hope there is no GSR because I'm not a fan, but really, no woman deserves to be treated the way Grissom treated Sara in his office. The female in this relationship was already degraded even before it ever started, and now, after three years of the relationship, it hasn't changed at all. That, is what Sara has been chasing all these years. It's sad. She's better off without him.
Great job, Kristine. I love your review.

And I agree, BattycaSJ. Sara should really go and find someone new and awesome.
Great analysis. It was a terribly depressing episode all around. In the past the Grissom/Sara moments often added a bright spot to an otherwise dark episode, IMO, but in this episode they only contributed to the sadness. I expected Sara to leave, but this was just cruel. And I agree, Grissom was just awful to her in his office, patronizing and hurtful.
I do think Sara seemed stronger in this episode. She started to show signs of her spunkier self. She stood up to Grissom and challenged Vega and the system. Sara's biggest flaw IMO is that she expects people to be honest and forthright. People she trusted disappointed her in this episode. I agree, she can't stay in LV. BUT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW EXACTLY WHERE SHE HAS BEEN AND WHAT SHE HAS BEEN DOING, PTB.
I don't expect Grissom and Sara to be scintillating. I don't think that's how WP or JF want them to be portrayed. But they do have chemistry and they are believable in their understated intimacy. Its a unique tv romance, subtle and sweet. At least it use to be.
The only bright spots for me in this episode were the Sara/Greg scenes. I miss her interactions with Greg and Nick, and even Catherine. Unfortunately, I doubt we will see anymore of those.
Sad, sad, sad.
I can't even get excited about the next episode.
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Which is probably why TV Guide had Grissom and Sara listed as number nine of TV's Most Boring Relationships-or something to that extent.:rolleyes:
CSI isn't Grey's Anatomy. Why I would agree their relationship appears boring, it does fit with their characters.

After watching this episode, I found it ironic and fitting the episode was titled The Happy Place.
Wow, so much great response to this one--thank you, guys!!! :)

I agree, jtd94, that Grissom and Sara aren't supposed to be scintillating, but I don't think it would kill anyone to show that they have a sex life since we are supposed to be buying them as a couple. The understated intimacy works most of the time, but all three CSI shows have a problem with romance in that they show too little in an attempt to be subtle and oftentimes end up being too understated.

The hypnotism was indeed pretty obvious, but I definitely enjoyed Headley's performance.

I think it was an awkwardly-constructed episode.

Too much crammed into one episode--it was all good, but it could have easily been an episode and a half. The B-case really deserved to be an A-case in another episode.

Yes, that was a good moment. The original spoilers indicated that Nick would see a man and do a double take, thinking it's Warrick (when it obviously isn't, of course) - but I'm glad they went with this instead.

What they went with was much more natural and believable I think. Though I would like to see a little more of a reaction from Nick!
I agree, jtd94, that Grissom and Sara aren't supposed to be scintillating, but I don't think it would kill anyone to show that they have a sex life since we are supposed to be buying them as a couple. The understated intimacy works most of the time, but all three CSI shows have a problem with romance in that they show too little in an attempt to be subtle and oftentimes end up being too understated.
Oh, I totally agree with you. It's very frustrating, especially since we aren't going to have many more scenes between them (assuming we will get something else).
As far as the episode went it was good, like everyone else has said, there wasn't much happy involved, but it was a good episode. I'm not a big GSR fan, never have been, but they (meaning TPTB) decided to go down that road. so now obviously they have to wrap up the story arc, it would be poor writing to leave it unresolved. So I've resigned myself to the fact that its there no matter if I like it or not. I've learned to just tune it out for the most part.

I think it's pretty obvious now that Grissom's exit will be him leaving to go be with Sara. All things considered that's going to be a rather dissapointing and anti-climatic exit for a character as interesting and dynamic as Grissom.

Anyways, just my two cents worth. :)
I think the point of the episode title refers to the 'happy place' in the girls mind, when she was being hypnotized....everything around was deliberately depressing (all the of the cases), and they showed the girl imagining herself on the beach. The happy place amongst the sorrow.

I thought the review was way too nice. That was horrible. The GSR relationship has to be the worst i have seen on a tv show. Contrived, creepy and boring as hell. And hopefully Grissom won't follow her, that would be pathetic and a stupid way for Grissom to leave.