CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Loco Motives'

CSI Files


A man is discovered at a construction site, buried up to his chest in concrete, beside the dead body of a woman. He refuses to give Brass his name--or that of the woman. Across town, Warrick and Nick stand over the body of Aloyna Ivonova, an elderly woman found dead in her oven. They follow a trail of green jello to another apartment, which is being sublet by a woman named Paula Sutherland. Neither Paula nor her husband, Max, is anywhere to be found, but Warrick does discover blood on the floor, which someone clearly tried to clean up. Grissom and Greg show up at the Mannleigh Chicken slaughterhouse, where the body of the nightshift cleaner, Raymundo Suarez, is lying facedown in the tank used to electrocute the chickens. Ernie Dell, another maintenance worker, tells Brass that Raymundo was sleeping with the wife of the owner, Ike Mannleigh. Grissom is surprised when he discovers a miniature replica of the crime scene at the slaughterhouse, like the ones discovered in "Built to Kill, Part 2" and "Post Mortem".

Warrick talks to a young girl named Suzy, whose mother dropped her off for daycare at Paula's apartment. She recalls a mess of "red and green" in the kitchen, and remembers Max coming to clean it up. The CSIs remain puzzled until Suzy spots the man they freed from the concrete and recognizes him as Max. Brass sits back and listens as the man explains his truly horrible day: after a fight with his wife over a broken bowl of jello, he accidentally stabbed her with a shard of glass. His neighbor, Aloyna, caught sight of him holding Paula's body, but when he went over to explain she panicked and took a fatal spill while running for the phone. Max tried to make it look like a suicide by sticking her head in the oven before taking his wife to the construction site to dump her body...only to trip and fall into the concrete and find himself trapped. To add insult to injury, a mugger sees him as an easy mark and steals his wallet. All in all, not a good day.

Sara finds a connection between Izzy Delancy, the victim from the first miniature case and Mannleigh Slaughterhouse: Izzy filmed a PSA revealing the cruel way Ike Mannleigh has chickens slaughtered at his farm, costing Mannleigh sixty percent of his business. The CSIs question Mannleigh, who admits to holding a grudge against Izzy, but he claims no such hard feelings towards Raymundo, even though the man was sleeping with his wife. A logo on the shirt of the man who delivered the second miniature to Penny Garden's house leads the CSIs to Locomotiveville, a model-making club. The club's website reveals that Ernie Dell, the maintenance man from the Mannleigh Slaughterhouse, is a member. The police storm Dell's house and discover it filled with model towns and miniature depictions of murder scenes. Dell, who appeared in Izzy's PSA and also was Penny's handyman, denies any involvement. Sara is able to trace minutes purchased on a disposable mobile phone to Ernie Dell's credit card, and the police head to Ernie's house. Grissom receives a video missive of Ernie confessing to the murders--and shooting himself--just as the police arrive.


The end of the miniature killer's spree...or is it? The case appears to wrap up awfully neatly, with a killer connected--at least tangentially--to all three victims. He worked with Raymundo, was Penny's handyman and appeared in Izzy's PSA...but aside from holding a possible grudge towards Izzy for putting his face on national TV for slaughtering chickens, we never find out any possible reason why Ernie might have hated Penny and Raymundo enough to kill them. Or are we to believe he was just plain psycho?


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I think it's possible that the clues to Dell's motives were in his little ranting speech at the end. "Hypocrisy" - Izzy "A promise of love" - Penny? (when she was younger, obviously) and "Betrayal" - probably Suarez, possibly because he was sleeping with his boss's wife
I'm new to the forum everyone...Hello All!

I'm glad the review noted that the 'Miniature Killer' was wrapped up a little too neatly. And I did a little dance when, at the end of 'Leaving Las Vegas', a new miniature was delivered to Grissom's newly vacated desk. There has to be another story line that Mr. Dell was aware of & protecting maybe?...
^Yeah, I'll be interested to see how this plays out! It must have been a big deal for Ernie to confess and then kill himself--thereby eliminating the possibility that it could come out during his interrogation that he didn't in fact commit the crimes. Which makes me wonder how he's connected to the real killer. Very intriguing!

ChrisWidger said:
I think it's possible that the clues to Dell's motives were in his little ranting speech at the end. "Hypocrisy" - Izzy "A promise of love" - Penny? (when she was younger, obviously) and "Betrayal" - probably Suarez, possibly because he was sleeping with his boss's wife

Good observation--I imagine those could very well be what we were supposed to believe were his motives before "Leaving Las Vegas" aired.