CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Crate And Burial'

CSI Files

With the strike delaying any new CSI franchise episodes until late March/early April, <font color=yellow>CSI Files</font> is taking the opportunity to go back to the beginning, offering reviews of episodes from the early seasons of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and CSI: Miami, many of which aired before the site's 2003 founding! The retro reviews will run until new episodes of the franchise start to air in the spring, and then pick back up in the summer while the shows are on hiatus.


Wealthy Jack Garris is beside himself when his wife Laura is abducted. Grissom and Sara are on the case, but Garris is determined to pay the two million dollar ransom in order to get his wife back. Grissom and Sara set out in a helicopter, locating Laura Garris buried underneath the dry desert earth in a crate while Brass stakes out the drop point and catches Chip Rundle, Jack Garris's personal trainer, taking the money. Chip denies involvement and Laura insists she didn't see her abductor, but Grissom and Sara become suspicious when Sara examines Chip's car and finds the position Laura was sitting in indicates she was neither bound nor unconscious. Nick matches the voice on the tape to Chip's voice, but Grissom sends him back to the drawing board to see if he can prove Laura's involvement. When he uncovers Laura's voice on the tape urging Chip to hurry, the CSIs are able to arrest both Laura and Chip.

Catherine and Warrick investigate the hit-and-run death of a young girl on a scooter. They're able to get a partial plate number off the girl's body which leads them to Charles Moore, an elderly man who confesses right away to hitting the girl, getting confused, and driving away. Catherine is bothered by his easy confession and when the CSIs go over his car, they find the seat pulled too far up and Mos Def on the radio, indicating a person much shorter and younger than Charles was driving at the time. When he's questioned about it, Charles says his grandson James was in the car with him and switched places with him after Charles hit the girl. The CSIs are still suspicious, and when Warrick recovers a chipped piece of tooth from the steering wheel, they're able to prove James was driving. Charles is chagrined to see his grandson taken off to jail, but Warrick offers the young man his number and his support.


<font color=yellow>Ann Donahue</font>'s first episode of CSI settles the show into business as usual: two cases for the team to tackle. Grissom and Sara display a natural ease in their interactions in this episode and there's even a little innuendo between them, hinting at the attraction between them. Sara is clearly proud of the fact that Grissom handpicked her for his team and her banter with him is easy and natural. There's an undercurrent of flirtation as well; Sara calls to him, "Will you come tape me up?" and Grissom turns to Catherine with a genuine smile and says, "I love my job." It's refreshing to see the lighter side of Grissom, to see him enjoying the attention of a younger, attractive woman.

Sara makes waves with Nick, establishing a rivalry between the two of them right off the bat. After he pulls rank on her, she is quick to remind him she was handpicked by Grissom to join the team. It's understandable that there'd be some friendly competition between these two; they're pretty much on the same level. Both are protégés of Grissom and both are ambitious. Grissom continues to act the part of mentor with Nick; when Nick is ready to take the voice match to Chip from the audio tape and call it a day, Grissom urges him to dig deeper in the hopes that he can uncover evidence of Laura's involvement and sure enough, Nick follows Grissom's advice and comes up with the proof they need to put her away.


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Sara calls to him, "Will you come take me out?"

But doesn't she say "tape me up"? Makes more sense, what with the duct tape and all...
^Ooops, yep, that was a typo! Thanks for catching it. :cool:
Its been way too long since I saw this episode (maybe I should watch the reruns on Spike) but I thought Grissom and Nick got Lindsay rock polishing kits. However my memory might be hazy because I can recall an episode of Monk where Monk got a rock polishing kit for his assistant's son.
They got her lab kits, and Sara jokingly suggested Nick use the one he got for Lindsey...that was a good moment. :lol:
Oh, okay I guess I was confusing this with an episode of Monk. I think Nick getting the lab kit (after Grissom already got it) was the funniest moment of the episode.
^Yeah, that really was hilarious. It cracked me up big time! :lol: