CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Bull'

CSI Files


Hours after having his neck stepped on by a bull at a rodeo, rider Cody Latshaw is found dead, a coil of rope by his body suggesting that he got back on the bull and was thrown again--this time, fatally. Dr. Robbins tells Catherine that the first injury created a hairline fracture in Cody's vertebrae, meaning that any trauma would have severed his spinal cord. Catherine posits that a second ride on the bull, Windtwister, likely killed Cody, and the evidence seems to back her up. The body of twenty-seven-year old Tiffany Rigden is found outside a convenience store, the victim of a hit-and-run. Nick and Greg are surprised when they find Cody Latshaw's truck around the corner of the scene, abandoned. They find two keycards for Pike's Gambling Hall--one on Tiffany and one in Cody's car. They learn Cody was staying in the hotel and Tiffany was his guest. When Catherine and Nick visit Cody's room, they find a love poem written by Cody and a note from Tiffany saying goodbye; she was getting married. Nick checks her record and learns she has priors for soliciting. Greg goes through Cody's possessions and is surprised to find an electro-ejaculator among his things. When Wendy Simms informs him that semen stains found on Cody's jeans are bovine, the CSIs wonder if Cody was bilking sperm from Windtwister and selling it for a hefty profit.

After a witness tells the CSIs he saw Tiffany get hit by the car an hour after Cody's death, they turn their suspicions on Erik Hong, her pimp, who according to phone records tried to call her several times before her death. Erik admits to being angry when he found Tiffany was leaving the business to get married, but denies killing her. A few hours later, his dead body is found in a bathroom in a country western bar. A girl named Coco recalls Tiffany and Erik from several nights before. Tiffany approached a young man named Troy and started talking with him and a few minutes later two girls approached her and started insulting her. A massive fight broke out and Troy dragged Tiffany away. The next night, Tiffany showed up to announce she was getting married. The CSIs track down the wedding chapel Troy and Tiffany were going to get married in, but the proprietor tells them Tiffany never showed. Warrick locates Troy in a parking garage where the man is sitting with a shotgun aimed at his chin, but when Nick arrives with the back up team, he's able to talk Troy out of killing himself. Troy was the one who shot Erik, assuming he was responsible for Tiffany not showing up to their wedding.

The CSIs discuss the case, pondering who could have killed Cody and Tiffany. Hodges identifies the rope found with Cody as being made of hemp, indicating it's an older rope. Nick and Brass pick up Cash Dooley, an older rodeo cowboy who they met earlier while he was taking care of Windtwister. Brass questions Cash, wondering if he and Cody had worked together to obtain Windtwister's sperm and sell it. Cash insists Cody wouldn't have done anything like that and gives up his actual partner, Dustin Lightfoot. Dustin reveals Cody's death was accidental; he happened upon Cash and Dustin stealing Windtwister's sperm and confronted them. When Dustin punched him, the blow proved fatal. Cash and Dustin left Cody's body in the arena to make his death look accidental, and then took Cody's truck to sell the sperm they'd obtained--only to hit Tiffany, who was hurrying to her wedding. The case closed, Grissom theorizes that the poem Cody wrote wasn't for Tiffany or his ex, Nancy, but for the bull, Windtwister.


Delving into both country western culture in Las Vegas and the bull riding arena, "Bull" is quite a ride. The body count in the episode is no less than three, coming one right after another and keeping the CSIs busy. Two of the deaths are accidents and one is the result of a misunderstanding, which stretches credibility a smidge. What are the chances that after accidentally killing Cody, Dustin and Cash would just happen to get in Cody's car and hit his girlfriend unintentionally? It makes for a great case, but it's still hard to ignore the nagging, "what's the likelihood of that actually happening?" question that runs through the viewer's mind while watching the resolution unfold. I wondered if Nancy might have been the culprit, and while I'm rarely disappointed when my suspicions turn out to be wrong, random chance seemed like a bit of a stretch.


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Good review. Really liked the Wendy scene in the episode! But I don't think I could see her as a CSI. She and Hodges just seem like the labrat couple, you know? :3

And I'd like to know more about Greg, too. His story, and how he's taking it since Sara left. They were pretty close, too. He's obviously stiffer.
Great review :D

I missed this one (again) but I'm glad I can rely on you *huggles* :lol:

Jodie x
I thought it was a good episode, typical CSI. The only thing missing was Sara. But I think Sara is definitely in Grissom's thoughts as seen in the scene with Nick. I also think there were enough parallels in the poem to Grissom and Sara's relationship, that I believe it was intentional: brown eyes, pray you come back to me; well I could go on, but I definitely see it. I loved the referral to SNL cow bell skit and Wendy's scene with Nick and Greg. As for Wendy in the field, I'm not sure I see it. She is great at what she does now, but I can't see her with the same seriousness that Sara had. I guess I just miss Jorja too much to imagine anyone taking her place. I'd almost rather they bring in a new character. Come to think of it, I actually liked Greg better as a lab rat.
I certainly hope they are able to continue the effect of Sara's departure on Grissom as well as some of the other cast. And many of us are still hoping(praying)for a heartfelt reunion.
Great review as always. :)

I quite enjoyed this episode. It started off great as I just love Jewel, and all the bullriding footage looked great too. It was a good episode for Nick, I think it must have been episodes like this that they were thinking about when it was reported at the beginning of the season that Nick would 'step up'. Obviously being all cowboy and Texas stuff, it suited Nick down to the ground to be heavily involved and yet it wasn't cheesy or over the top in my opinion. It was both a fun episode, with a couple of great lines from Brass, Wendy's inappropriate story to Nick and Greg, and Hodges being his usual self, and yet the actual cases were actually quite sad. The small character moments were lovely too, Grissom still quietly and privately trying to deal with his sadness over Sara, and it was nice to see Warrick and Nick's brief interaction.
Yeah, I noticed a hint of Sara in that letter Grissom was reading, too. That entire scene with Nick, you could tell Grissom was bothered.
I guess that's why I don't want to see Wendy in the field either. I don't want anyone to take Sara's place.
Thanks, guys! :)

Elsie, I love Jewel, too. She really has an amazing voice. Her performance made me hope she's got a new album coming out soon!

I'd like to see Wendy in the field mainly because I'd like to see more of Wendy. She definitely has a different vibe than Sara does, but I wouldn't want to see Sara replaced with someone too similar to her. Wendy would be different but still not an outsider.
Quite a few twists in this episode, eh? I haven't been watching CSI much these days, but I liked this episode. It's sad that we're probably not gonna see any more new episodes this season. :(

Jewel's performance at the beginning was phenomenal. *is in awe* Of course, me being non-American, I didn't realize immediately that she was singing the US national anthem. D'oh. The Star Spangled Banner seems like an incredibly difficult song to sing, though, if I might add. :p

One of the problems I have with CSI, is that there are too many characters, and as a result we don't get to see much of the supporting characters. Take Greg and Warrick for example. Most of the time, they only get like a 5 minutes of screen-time, tops. Although, I like that they have a consistent recurring cast of lab techs. Archie's my favorite. :D

Wendy is starting to grow on me. Her story about the farmer copulating with his lifestock was hilarious. As was the look on Nick and Greg's face, they were begging her to stop but she was having so much fun telling the story that she hardly noticed their pained looks. :lol: It could be interesting to see her out in the field.