CSI Files
In the wake of the Jose Fausto shooting, the department heads take stock of the media mess surrounding the car chase that left one officer and three suspects dead. Ecklie notes that eyewitnesses are claiming Officer Carroll shot an unarmed man, but both Brass and Carroll saw a gun in the Ricardo Estevez's hand. Eyewitnesses saw Officer Davis planting a gun on Salvador Rosario, but Sofia says Davis touched the suspect's gun in error. Leandro Chavez bled out from treatable wounds, but Officer Bell was the paramedics’ first priority at the scene. The biggest question that remains is who shot Bell, and Grissom has grim news for them: Bell was killed by friendly fire.
Sofia Curtis is devastated by the fact that she may have shot Bell, and she turns to Grissom for support. She tells him she recalls that Bell was between her and the suspects, but before she can get any further, Sara interrupts, reminding Sofia she shouldn't be at the lab and recommending a departmental counselor as an alternative. Back at the scene of the Fausto shooting, a cartridge is discovered in a motel room facing the parking lot where Fausto was shot, but the shooter is long gone. The Buick Regal the officers were originally pursuing when the Caprice cut them off is discovered in an ally, torched almost beyond recognition. Sergeant Adams takes Catherine and Ortega back to where he and Bell first spotted the Buick--they chased it because of a domestic dispute between a man and a pregnant woman in a parking lot. Catherine spots a surveillance camera and thinks it could provide answers.
Hodges tells Grissom he found red clay chips on Estevez's gun, so Grissom returns to the scene with Sara, Brass, Carroll and Hodges to reconstruct the scene. A red clay roof right next to the alley where Estevez fled provides the answers. Estevez tried to toss his gun but because of a chipped shingle on the roof, the gun fell back into his hand, and that's when Carroll turned back after Brass ran into the alley and spotted him, gun in hand and proceeded to fire. Back at the lab, Catherine notices the couple arrive in a Geo Metro and switch to the Buick. The man pulls out a hide-a-key, which Catherine can't find on the car but is able to recover from the debris from auto transport. She recovers a print from the hide-a-key.
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In the wake of the Jose Fausto shooting, the department heads take stock of the media mess surrounding the car chase that left one officer and three suspects dead. Ecklie notes that eyewitnesses are claiming Officer Carroll shot an unarmed man, but both Brass and Carroll saw a gun in the Ricardo Estevez's hand. Eyewitnesses saw Officer Davis planting a gun on Salvador Rosario, but Sofia says Davis touched the suspect's gun in error. Leandro Chavez bled out from treatable wounds, but Officer Bell was the paramedics’ first priority at the scene. The biggest question that remains is who shot Bell, and Grissom has grim news for them: Bell was killed by friendly fire.
Sofia Curtis is devastated by the fact that she may have shot Bell, and she turns to Grissom for support. She tells him she recalls that Bell was between her and the suspects, but before she can get any further, Sara interrupts, reminding Sofia she shouldn't be at the lab and recommending a departmental counselor as an alternative. Back at the scene of the Fausto shooting, a cartridge is discovered in a motel room facing the parking lot where Fausto was shot, but the shooter is long gone. The Buick Regal the officers were originally pursuing when the Caprice cut them off is discovered in an ally, torched almost beyond recognition. Sergeant Adams takes Catherine and Ortega back to where he and Bell first spotted the Buick--they chased it because of a domestic dispute between a man and a pregnant woman in a parking lot. Catherine spots a surveillance camera and thinks it could provide answers.
Hodges tells Grissom he found red clay chips on Estevez's gun, so Grissom returns to the scene with Sara, Brass, Carroll and Hodges to reconstruct the scene. A red clay roof right next to the alley where Estevez fled provides the answers. Estevez tried to toss his gun but because of a chipped shingle on the roof, the gun fell back into his hand, and that's when Carroll turned back after Brass ran into the alley and spotted him, gun in hand and proceeded to fire. Back at the lab, Catherine notices the couple arrive in a Geo Metro and switch to the Buick. The man pulls out a hide-a-key, which Catherine can't find on the car but is able to recover from the debris from auto transport. She recovers a print from the hide-a-key.
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