CSI Cell Phones


HI, Just wondering if anyone know what type of cell phones they use in the newer episodes. I am not sure which city i was watching, but the phone almost looks like a PalmOne. It has a PDA look to it and I have seen them plug it more and more. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Are you referring to just the original CSI show? If so, I'll move this question over to the Vegas forum. :)
Hmm, ok. Can you think of a specific scene you can describe that included the phone? Something they said or were doing that might give us a clue so we can help you figure it out? ;)
i just had a 10 min nap here in computer chair and something tells me that one character took a pic of evidence/crime scene with that phone and sent it off to another csi person. Something wants me to think that it was NY- the episode with the deaf woman and zamboni thingy. It just seems to me that the last few episodes I have seen, the csi people are using cell phones and you can see the face of it(for advertising). Hope that helps
The recent episode of CSI:NY, "Silent Night," had deaf characters and an ice skating rink, although for different cases. Here are some pictures that someone gave me which show the phones from "Silent Night."

Mac with the phone

Flack with the phone (back of the phone)

They aren't the best pictures, but I hope they help...

Taking a picture and sending it to another CSI might not be from this show, though...I can't recall a specific instance of that, except perhaps for "Charge of This Post."

(I'll leave this thread in GenCSI until we know for sure which specific show is being referred to, or until the question is definitively answered. :))
Yeah, in CSI:NY ep CoTP Danny sent pics of the scene back to Lindsay in the lab using the PDA. I believe they are using Palm Treo 650's. They also show the phone when Mac Taylor is holding it and the bomber is sending him txt pages and calling him. In ep Silent Night they show the phone when the deaf woman Gina Mitchum calls Mac after being taken hostage. In the same ep ME Peyton Driscoll starts to call Mac and then hangs up, and they show her doing so on that phone. Hope that helps.
WOW! You guys(&gals) are the best!! Thanks so much!! I think that really helped and I will take a closer look at the phone when i see the episode again. Thanks again