CSI Bumpersnickers

Ummm.. Not at the moment..But since those came to me when the power went out maybe ill think of some more if the stupid hurricane knocks it out again!!

Thanks for using my ideas...I feel so loved..LOL
I don't suppose you could make one that says:

'Come any closer & you'll leave evidence on my car!'

Hey Kira.....I got one show a picture of a Yellow Hummer on one side and Horatio on the other...and put my other car is parked at CSI Miami........ :lol:

If it is too lame everyone send boos my way....I am a big boy I can take it..... :lol:
Wow way to go KiraGrissom... I'm not that creative anymore, so I grabbed my fave of the internet:

Especially for all the Irish people around here, which aren't many I know, still:


:lol: Even though I wasn't born there, I'm 50% Irish.

Btw, KiraGrissom, I love the braindrug bumpersticker. :D