Cross row stokes Christian anger

like i said, its their rules, if i want to go to saudi arabia i have to follow them. and if for whatever reason i wont, then i guess i cant go there.
and sure, if a muslim woman wants to wear her head scarf around in public, fine by me. but if certain workplaces have rules against it, or the government decides they wont allow it, then we have to follow them.
i think they just want to make all things equal. if certain aspects of one religion are not allowed, they dont want to be favouring others. if a certain workplace says 'no crosses at your cubicle' someone might get mad if they cant have that but another employee is wearing a headscarf. really trivial stuff to get upset about, but im sure it happens.
like i said before, i personally dont see the point in superficial religious rules. your faith is your faith regardless of what you wear, what you eat or when you eat it. and in a lot of cases, people no longer follow these rules. but they still have their faith and that is whats important.
yeah but my point is that a cross is not an essential part of Christianity. You can go without it, but asking a Muslim lady to take her scarf off for the sake of "equality" really is telling her she is not free to practice her religion in that country. Thats not what a democracy is right?
To some people, the cross is an essential part of ther religion... as much as a Hijab is to certain Muslims. As you said, it's all in how you personally choose to practice it.

But having said that, I stick by my earlier comments- my opinion is that this is a dress code issue, nothing more.
I know if you go to hospital at least in my area, if you are wearing any type of religious symbol, they have to ask you to remove it, they can not just remove it (if you can not be asked then a family member). I have been asked this when I was in for the ER or when I had my surgery. If refused they can not remove it. -- I wear a cross for several reasons, because I am a christian, My parents gave it to me, and its very pretty.

Now in regards to the woman, in some ways it sounds as if its part about religion and part about the dress code, but here is another thought what comes next, no wedding rings, are other necklaces suppost to be hidden, what about earrings? lapel pins? ect. I can see if you go overboard on jewelery but if its just simple, I don't know.

If the jewelery were thought to be a harm to a person (ie someone confronts and uses the jewelery to harm said person) but otherwise. beside usually people wear it as decoration or what have you, by hiding it that kind of voids that idea. They are suppost to look professional and for some reason some women feel that means jewelery.

But thats JMO. :)
:eek: Whoa, you have to take off religious symbols in a hospital? That's so... strangly awesome for some reason.
No you don't have to remove the symbol but if the doctor or nurse believes it will get in the way or cause you harm they may ask you to but they can not just remove it without your permission, and if you can not give it then a family members.

When I had an X-ray done, the tech asked me if it would be okay to remove my cross (though I didn't have a problem with it) I asked why not just say "you have to remove it" they said they were not allowed to do that, since they don't know if you wear it for religious purpose or fashion or both. Either way none of the Hospital staff is allowed to ask. Same went when I had my knee scope surgery done, they couldn't make me remove it they had to ask if I would object to doing so (again I didn't).

Some people who come in and have religious beliefs for wearing their symbol tend to believe it protects them, its their belief, and refuse to have it removed.
:) Oh, I see what you mean now - protection. I hadn't thought of that, alot of people really do believe that their symbols protect them and I know that would be hard to give up. It's nice of the hospital to ask, atleast they pay attention to the patient's needs and not force them into doing something.
Most of you know that I'm a Christian, but I disagree with the woman. It's a simple matter of tucking the necklace under the clothes. It almost sounds as though her cross is worn for others to see, rather than for her personal relationship with God. I'm not judging her as a true believer or unbeliever. I'm merely saying why call attention to something that can be remedied quietly.

Secondly, I agree with Destiny. A necklace could be construed as a safety hazard, if grabbed and utilized to choke the individual wearing said necklace. BA issued the dress code mandates for self-preservation and to prevent employee litigation.
Okay Baba

PrettyEyes, you can't choke someone with a gold necklace, it would tear when they pull hard enough. That's how some people get robbed of their necklaces while walking in the streets. Besides, if you have enough money to take a plane to get to your destination, I don't think you would want to grab a little Cross off the neck of one of the stewardess'. But yeah, it got too much attention... though it's perfect timing.