Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

Finally saw it! :) I really liked it. Even tho it was a departure from the regular formula that I like so much, it felt kind of like a movie. Maybe because I was watching on iTunes without commercials. :lol: But I thought it was really good.

I saw the ending coming too. I hate that Doyle got away, thus the potential for a never-ending storyline (*cough*HaskellRay*cough*). But I would love to see Emily come back one day and surprise the team. Not right away tho. It would be cool to have a lot of time pass to make a bigger impact.
I read the team will be attending grief counseling in upcoming episodes (Ausellio). I can't imagine what Hotch will be going through seeing them all suffering so much and not being able to tell them what he knows. Or at least for now.
Is it just me or does Rossi Knows about Emily being alive ? I will need to watch again.

I liked the whole schizophrenia\Insomnia \exorcism about the case. the writers remembered that Reid has a mother with the disease and he told Morgan about his fears.I LOVE the brother vibe between those 2 and it was missing for a while.:)

I like my boys but I agree with Garcia,there is too much testosterone now.
Kevin ate one of the cupcakes lol.

Morgan called Reid "pretty boy". Loved the talk between the two of them. I like that Morgan's always like a big brother to Reid. It's sweet.

Case was pretty interesting. The end of the episode was creepy. That poor guy just can't get those voices to go away no matter what he does.
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Source: EW

Thomas Gibson on 'Criminal Minds' negotiations, Paget Brewster's exit, and his plans for hiatus

So two weeks ago, the exit Criminal Minds fans had been dreading finally happened. But though we had anticipated the end of Paget Brewster’s Emily Prentiss, the team at BAU was thrown for a loop and are now faced with the task of dealing with Prentiss’ “death.” In an interview with EW, first previewed in the Spoiler Room, Thomas Gibson previews what’s next for Hotch and the show.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: It’s been a really difficult season for Hotch. First A.J. Cook’s character left and now Emily. He’s such a determined, focused character. How is all this affecting him?
On the inside, all of these things do affect him. They do get to him, but he is disciplined enough to know that they are, A) private, and B) not to intrude on the job that’s got to be done. He will absolutely not try to sweep them under the rug, but the job needs him and his son needs him. There’s too much to do to — I wouldn’t call it wallowing — but there’s too much to do to really rest or even digest. So I think that it’s just a kind of survival instinct. At this point, [the team] has been through — and he’s been through — a great deal of change over the life of the show. We are down to, I think, four of us who started with the show from the beginning and are still with it. Each year seems to have contained the challenges of transition and no greater transition has been called upon than this year. Like I said, the show without A.J. and without Paget — we’re continuing. The show is continuing just like the team is continuing, but hopefully we’re ready for whatever the next transition is and maybe the next transition is the re-addition of team members. I don’t know.

I think the fans are gonna stick with you regardless.
I hope so. People are really crazy about the show. I hear from people in the airport, as I’m going back and forth home every week. And I hear from people in Texas, where I live, and I was in New York a couple weeks ago and got stopped by two secret service agents in the lobby of my hotel. You know, people are connected to the show. I don’t think there are any wishy-washy fans. I think there are fans who are very connected, and we’re grateful for them, so hopefully they will. We’ve still got stories to tell, and I want us to tell them well. Hopefully people are along for the ride.

Last I heard, you were in talks for next season. Have there been any decisions made?
We’re still in talks.

I know 50,000 Twitters followers who are gonna be very upset if they don’t work this out with you.
Yeah, I know. That’s all I can say. I’m hoping to be on the show. I’m planning on being on the show, but we’re still talking. That’s all I can say at this point. I know I certainly don’t feel like it’s time to turn off the lights or anything like that.

I’m sure San Antonio would love to keep you full time, but as far as fans…
I don’t think my kids would mind. That would be a good thing, but they’ve been very understanding. I’ve tried my very best to keep all the balls in the air and be home. When I’m home, I’ve got the kind of time that other dads who live there full time don’t have. I can go and have lunch with my kids at school and that sort of thing. We’re making it work, [but] they are sacrificing as well and not complaining about it.

Yeah, that’s a good bunch there.
They are a good bunch. Yeah, I think we’ll keep ‘em.

I think the solution here would be to take Criminal Minds to San Antonio for an episode or two.
That would be fine. I think we’ve exhausted all the geographical possibilities in Los Angeles County. It would be great to branch out a little bit. None of us would mind the change of scenery. I mean, we get little changes here, but now we’re starting to see the same places over and over again. I think we’ve all gotten to know more of L.A. County than we ever thought possible.

You have your break coming up soon. Do you have anything in the works?
I’ve got a short film that I’ve been adapting and would like to make. I don’t know that I’m going to have it together enough to start shooting this summer, but I may end up trying to do it in the fall. I am going to get it on track to try to pull it together and maybe get it done this summer. It’s a great little idea. It’s very simple. My ambitions for it are reasonable, and I just want to have the experience of doing it really for myself. And if it turns out well, I might let other people see it. It’s a story that I really love. It’s very unique, it’s very interesting. So hopefully you’ll hear more about that in the not-too-distant future.

What’s the skeleton story of it?
It’s based on a short story, and we’re kind of negotiating the rights. I’m going ahead and adapting it anyway. I don’t wanna kill my only chances by putting it out there, but it’s definitely unique, I can tell you that much. I’ll keep you posted.
Her name is Emily Prentiss. No, she left the show 'Lauren'. She might come back to the show if her pilot comedy show don't get pick up.
The latest episode was kind of boring. So, the team is still bringing in an experienced profiler? I wonder when are we going to meet him/her.
Okay we know that Thomas is in talks as stated in the above interview.

On the CM Criminal Minds Fanatic Twitter:
-Criminal Minds: Don't know about you but it bothers me that Thomas Gibson & Shemar Moore STILL have NO contract for season 7. Come on CBS!
-Criminal Minds: Negotiations for all the actors with contracts up this season started at the same time. Look what happened to our gals!
-And next year are we going to have to fight for Joe and Matthew??? Last I looked Criminal Minds was a HUGE money maker for CBS.

This is from JM's Twitter
@ JoeMantegna "hope you aren't leaving criminal minds heard rumors"
@ [Name removed] nope, I'm staying.

Sorry but I hate when folks like that jump ahead of themselves, what happen to AJ and Paget was a shame, and they will be missed, and may make more guest appearances (just a guess) but thats why they are called negotations. It would be easy to totally blame CBS and co, if/when a star leaves our fav show, but what was the star themselves asking for? I get that the ladies said CBS basically didn't want to play ball, but never did I hear what they were asking for... Not to mention I really dislike when the stars have to justify that they are in talks, but can't say what is happening, what interviewer really thought they could lol? To me it's a fifty/fifty negotation ballgame, and each side has to either agree, give in or walk away. In AJ's case they walked by what was "said/rumored" and in Pagets case they kind of did all three. By they I am referring to all sides.

Like I said I can't and haven't blame one side in all this, because both sides are sitting at that table discussing this, and they all have to reach an agreement. What I also dislike is that the stars will come out and say whoever (insert network, execs) didn't want to play ball so they said to heck with it, this is what is going to happen. But again, I never heard what said star was asking for in return.

In the case of both Paget and AJ I think the big deal was made because they are not only well liked on the show, but because they were the only (besides KV) females on the show (got that from the "their sexist" comments on tweets, etc) that and its a hit show, which will garner big attention. Like I said it's 50/50 and both has to be willing, to deal or walk, maybe someday we will learn the full extent. But notice the flurry about AJ going non stop, then she was gone and it died down just as quick, she is still remembered for her role, as will Paget. And if the network chooses to bring her back and she agrees more power to all of them.

Maybe part of it was paget wanted a shot at doing another show, I mean while CM is a hit show, it won't be on that much longer (hate to really say that) their in season 6 and while I wish they would go on forever, they may get to season 9. BUT when they do go out, I wish and hope that they go out in the style we know and love and not cancelled with no closure, or worse done in by mass wth happened to our show.

I don't know if this makes any sense. But all I am thinking/saying is for those who read the interview, and the tweets, just be cool, their talking better then not talking. ;)
Very good episode.I felt both for the unsub and the husband becouse is such a tragedy to lose your kid .Both actors did an amazing job.

And I just felt so bad for the team.I liked Rossi and Hotch talk,especially when he said he feels more close to the team the to his 3 ex wives.And Reid broke my heart:(.I so wanted to give him a hug.But IMO Hotch needs to tell the truth.I do not like him keeping secrets.They are like a family.
Do you notice Hotch want to tell the teams so bad? I have to agree with you, Electra. He need to tell them the truth. Thomas said in the interview that Hotch will have trouble keeping a secret. I like Rossi and Hotch and Reid and Garcia.

How they going to react if they find out Emily is alive? They find out JJ and Hotch knew. If she come back next season.
^Hotch so wants to tell them! I especially do not like him not telling Rossi becouse they are really close.If they find out from somebody else ,they will feel betrayed.It's not fair to anyone.

I do not mind Seaver ,but she has yet to grow on me.Emily needs to come back to balance the team.
I liked this one. I felt it had the right mix of a "regular" episode and the discussion about Emily. I don't think Hotch is wanting to tell anyone tho. I mean, sure he would like that, but in his profession that's one of the things they have to do...keep things like that confidential to save lives.

The mom...I kept thinking, "That's Lindsay" and thinking from NY but I knew that wasn't right. Then it hit me. It was Lindsay from The Practice. :lol:
I may be on the minority here but I don't think that Hotch has to tell the team about Emily. Yes they love her, yes they are like family, and yes they are hurting and it's a horrible situation to be in, believing a loved one is gone when they are not. But I also think that they are FBI agents and this is about Emily's safety. They know how this things work and the less people that know the better. Not because they would intentionally say something to jeopardize Emily but because it's just probability that the more people that know the more likely that something can be slipped. I think Hotch is in a horrible position and most probably would like to tell the team the truth because he is seeing how much they are suffering but I think he has to weigh in Emily's safety vs the team's suffering and in the end I think he'll go with Emily's safety. Like I said, it's an awful position to be in.