It was good. Not great, good. A good CSI episode in general. The way the team pulled together, the cohesiveness of the team and the seamless transition of DB to take control of the team. Not to say that Cath didn't have control, but DB doesn't have Ray to deal with. But, that's another thread, another topic.
But with the good, comes the bad. Well my two (and it seems everyone else's) beefs....
WTF :wtf: With Vega! He was a straight shooting cop from season 1 until now and all of a sudden, he's dirty? Where the hell did that come from?? Again, he hasn't been on the show for a while, why bring him back only to have him dirty. And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! PLEASE, don't make Vartann next! Even if he's not with Catherine any longer, PLEASE, let there be one decent cop on the show. Brass already is walking a thin line with the Ray debacle, don't let Vartann be next!!
Back to Vega. To me, he symbolized all that was good about Vegas cops. He had a family, worked a tough gig in narcotics and survived, he got along with everyone in CSI and spoke Spanish so he could communicate with some of Vegas's residents. I mean what better cop to have (besides Vartann to unbeknown to us had a drinking problem :wtf:, more on that in a bit) So I'm failing to see how all of a sudden Vega is dirty or has been dirty all along??? That's some serious continuity jump there people
So, Vartann has or had a drinking problem? More things that the new writers bring to light and why didn't Catherine know about that sooner. Why are they now just working partners and no longer communicating like people in a 'relationship' do. Oh that's right, they aren't in a relationship. At least according to the writers and to the interview with Alex Carter. That's a big disappointment because Vartann was also the near perfect cop. And he was a recurring character so there wasn't going to be a relationship overload. But the more he's on the show, the more conflicting or how shall I say, new to the viewer information about him. Something I don't get either.
I guess it's a way to wrap up things come Marg's departure, but it's just so out of the blue to have him have a drinking problem, and more importantly for Cath not to know about it.
Overall, the episode was good, not great, but good. I'm also with everyone that this season is one of the better compared to S10-11.