Crazy Caption Contest

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Stella-"Danny, what is this? Naked Messer Lovers dot Com?"

Aiden-"I'm telling you Stella, never let him near a computer."

Danny-"I swear, it's completely relevant to the case I'm working."

Aiden-"You need to be working on a cold shower."
Stella-"Danny, what is this? Naked Messer Lovers dot Com?"

Aiden-"I'm telling you Stella, never let him near a computer."

Danny-"I swear, it's completely relevant to the case I'm working."

Aiden-"You need to be working on a cold shower."

:lol: 555 I love that!
Aiden: Whoa.

Stella: Danny, I had no idea you posed for naked pictures. Or that you're so...ahem...nicely proportioned...

Danny: Damn the internet! Does everything end up there eventually?


It's too early in the morning for me to think yet but I'll give a shot later in the day...
Vanessa: Carmine, have you been posting messages about yourself on CSI Files?
Melina: And your spelling is very bad.

That was quite awesome... Sorry that I haven't been updating... It was my exams...

Um, Pic 7

and my quote:

-Nelly's RIDE WIT ME plays in the background-
Flack: - singing - C'mon Aiden and take a ride with me...

Aiden: Oh, please!!! Don't even start rapping!!
All the captions are seriously hilarious!

Flack: Gasp! Isn't that your dad?!
Aiden: Relax... I told him not to lay a hand on you...
Gruff voice in the background: DONALD FLACK! What did I tell you about seeing my daughter?!
Flack: So, Danny was like *this* in that picture you found online?

Aiden: Yeah, except the motorcycle was actually his couch and his clothes were actually not there.

Flack: What the hell did you Google?

Flack: *thinking* If I sit here long enough, will she actually think I can drive a motorcycle so I don't have to demonstrate? Damn, I never should have bet on those Yanks to win. Damn Yankees.

Flack: So, Danny was like *this* in that picture you found online?

Aiden: Yeah, except the motorcycle was actually his couch and his clothes were actually not there.

Flack: What the hell did you Google?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And they say a picture is worth a thousand words...
Aiden: You should wear a helmet like that all the time. It makes you better looking.
Flack: Ah, shadup.

:lol: You all know I'm kidding....Flack is hot no matter what ;).
Aiden: So, Danny's mad at you for telling Mac about his blog on the net?
Flack: Yeah, so I need to make a quick getaway before he finds me...
Aiden: But the bike is evidence!
Flack: Don't worry! I'll return it when I reach Washington! Just don't tell Danny where I went! (revs off, bursting through the wall and out)

Sorry.. kinda corny... :p
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