Crazy Caption Contest

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CSI Level Two
I got this idea from a Harry Potter fansite.

They post still shots from the movies and people get to post the wackiest and most original caption for it.

If y'all wanna do a CSI:NY of this, go ahead.

Here's pic 1:
Caption Contest

Me, as a busy 14 year old, may check on your wacky captions next week... And I'll re-post as a quote the best one...

um, I hope this'll go on...
Stella: Why do I always have to go first?

Danny: You have to protect me if the suspect is crazy! I wouldn't want to break a nail or heaven forbid, mess up my perfectly highlighted hair.
:lol: These are great! :D Good thing Danny has Stella to protect him. :lol:
Danny: My, Stella, you have a very nice tush.
Stella: You say that one more time Messer and I'll make you cry like a little boy.
Stella: Uh, do you think you could not breathe down my neck? And have you not brushed your teeth in a decade or something? Shit, Danny, I bet Sheldon's dead bodies smell better than your breath.

Danny: stell, please? my neck REALLY hurts! just like, a two minute massage! *pouts*
Stella: Danny, you've got to come in, this is a crime scene.
Danny: But there's blood all over the floor! Ewwwwww!
Stella Danny, please tell me that's not your-
Danny Uh, of course not, that's definitely my gun.

Good job, folks!!!

And the winner is:
Stella: Danny, please tell me that's not your-
Danny: Uh, of course not, that's definitely my gun.


Here'sPic 2

I'll start:

Danny:- thinking - God, this whole scene feels like that scene with Tom Cruise on COLATTERAL...

:D :D :D :D
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