Contact Thread

The problem of MSN with me is... first... I hate that damn messenger. It sucks. Second, people have added me, but since I don't know your e-mail addresses, how the heck I suppose to know who you are here. Well, I do recognize Jayne, csifreakaholic, Siri and Agertays. But otherwise... no chance I know you. And then when I do know who you are, then you change that displayname and I still cannot regocnize you by your e-mail. Unless it's something very similar than here.

So. If someone wants to catch me, I'm mostly on Yahoo! because I like the messenger much much more and I have more people I know there.
I have AIM. I don't like MSN messenger cause I have like, three friends on it.

IM ME at Geekluff I would love to hear from anyone.
Is there any way of setting up some kind of Talk CSI chat? Maybe on Thursdays after a new episode has aired. Mods? :)
I think that "chatroom" where all LiveChats have happened still excists. And people can go there.
But the problem with setting it "official" can easily create problems (like outsiders, spammers, those who just come there to annoy people)

I have to do little questioning :p
Because I know I'm not able to come anyways, since I'm always sleeping that time.