Contact Thread

Cool thread!

Feel free to add me on msn..
I'm up for meeting new friends..
I was just thinking something...

Spamposts may find you better if you post your email addies like that so it's always better to use youremailname (at)
I'm bumping this up as I've had a request that some people would like to add info to here. Please remember that this is a public site. Anyone can see the info here. If you're going to put in a email address please be careful on how you do it. The best way to put an email address here is

youremailname (at)

this way you shouldn't attract spammers.

Also please remember not to leave any addresses or phone numbers here. If we see them we will remove them :)
my email is "meganjones1994 (at)"

feel free to add me on msn:)
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Ohoh! And before leaving your name so people can add you in Facebook, think hard who you want to share your personal info. I mean, many of us share location and real name and even phone numbers and addresses and that's not a good thing to share with total strangers
thanks for adding me everyone. would you guys please send me a direct message after you start following me? because there are loadsa strangers that add me every day and i don't really know some of you guys :) and sometimes i get confused, because i don't know who to follow. thanks in advance!