Characters You Would Like To Meet

- Brass' ex wife, Nancy.
- Brass' brother, who was supposed to get a mention in "Room Service" but the mention got cut when the episode aired.
- Mike O'Toole, Ellie's real father
- Sofia's mother
Bobby Dawsons husband - that would be cute

Sofia's mother- I want to see her in person and if she is the way Sofia describes her.

Nicks family- his brothers and sisters

You guys came up with great ideas I'm just 'secondeding' them :lol:
I'd love to meet Greg's grandparents and Mother.
Nick's brother and sisters. I met Nick's parents, don't like them on Graves Danger.
Sara's brother and mother.
I'd like to see:

Grissom's mother
Nana and Papa Olaf
Jim's ex-wife, Nancy. There could be one heck of a story there involving Ellie.
Warricks Gramma
Bobby's signifigant other.