Channel 5us


Prime Suspect
I only realised that I could tune my sky box to channel FiveUS. Can anyone tell me at what stage season 7 is on tonight?

Many thanks.
Unfortunately FiveUS isn't showing season 7 yet. :( Tonight at 8pm it's showing 'Too Tough To Die' from season 1.
Thanks for your help. Will keep looking out for season 7 :(- can't wait.

Thanks for the information. Just one other query: is Channel 5 the UK channel or is it another US channel? On the Channel 5 website it shows that season 7 is being shown on Tuesdays and also a link to channel 5US.
Channel 5 did everything really weird with CSI, they ran adverts saying that season 6 was about to start, then showed season 7, I got very confused, ended up just having to buy season 6 when it came out on dvd to see it and season 7 I'm watching for the first time now. 5US never show any newer episodes, which I think is kinda silly cos if you've missed it first time around it would be good to have a 2nd chance (like with channel 4 2nd chance sunday) but instead they show the same episodes from the first series etc again n agian! Infuriating! x
Channel 5 (in the UK) Starting on Tuesday 17th July has
CSI Miami (season 5) 1st episode at 9:00pm followed by
CSI New York (season 3) 1st episode at 10:00pm ;)
I have my little digibox programe linked so I wont miss a single episode (of NY) this time round.
Well after all that, I can't pick up channel 5 in Ireland as it says programme is not available. Will have to wait for Living or RTE to show season 7.
catherinerules said:
Thanks for your help. Will keep looking out for season 7 :(- can't wait.

Thanks for the information. Just one other query: is Channel 5 the UK channel or is it another US channel? On the Channel 5 website it shows that season 7 is being shown on Tuesdays and also a link to channel 5US.

Ok hope that this helps. 5us - is owned by channel 5. I thought that they didnt put any newer series on five us. However there was one episode from season 7 on there.

They actuarly have straight away put the repeats of the new CSI:Miami on straight away.

I think that now, that both CSI and NY have finished there run for the season- that channel 5 still want to pull the CSI audience in somehow.

What would make more sence, instead of waiting till january to show the new season of CSI. Show it earlier, then say a three month gap show the new NY one; then reapeat the gap and hay presto just intime for Miami. :cool:
From what i can gather with FiveUS showing brand new episodes of Dirt from the get go that they will be taking a leaf out of E4 etc and will be soon showing CSI as a second chance. I think their getting thru the seasons they are showing now on fiveUS. Hope that makes sense
Hmm to be honest with you i dont know. I just hit pot luck. Im just watching one that i've not seen before.. Warrick has got cane rolls instead of his usual tight curls.

If it helps- although it dont Channel 5 is now repeating season 7 on saturday nights at 9.10. Sorry that's all i can tell you.
Other than have you checked the offical website for channel5 it may have a schedule of csi's and which seasons are being aired.....
Not by the looks of it. It seems like FiveUS are showing season 2 and 3 at the moment, but I can never really work out their schedule so... :confused:

Living TV is reshowing season 6 at the moment though, it's on most nights. :)

When FiveUS was launched they bought the rights to certain shows, including the CSI franchise, however the deal is a bit complicated, and Living still has the rights too, FiveUS can't show Miami or LV first, but it could, technically, show NY before it airs on Five. I think they do have second airing rights for the others though, so maybe they could show it as a 'second chance' thing, but I guess at the moment they are still choosing to air it as it is now presumably because of the revenue that it gets them from advertisers.
Hmm thanks for that information I never knew that.. I got into csi by watching it on Five Us... I bought Grave Danger cause my friend raved about it- they are huge CSI fans..

So I saw Grave Danger, and then kept watching it on Five Us... I realised soon thought that it was not in sequence... Then I've caught most of season 7- which is now being repeated on Channel 5 at 9.10 on saturday nights... I've seen season 6 and 5 and now wow! bought season 4 from its all gravy!!!