CBS Shifts 'Blue Bloods', 'Defenders'

CSI Files

CBS makes more scheduling changes, giving CSI: New York two new lead-ins and trying Blue Bloods on a different night. CSI Files previously reported that CBS is giving CSI: Miami a temporary timeslot change next month. now reports that the network is shifting more shows around as the midseason schedule gets underway. The Defenders [...]

Hmm. I guess we'll see how NY does without Blue Bloods as a lead-out. And I wonder if Defenders will end up being a better lead-in than Medium (or if it won't make much difference)? I haven't heard much about Chaos, but I guess we'll see how that turns out too...
That's a lot of changes. CBS is really shifting things around, first for the beggining of the season and now for midseason. I have to say it doesn't sound good for The Defenders (though I could care less cause I never saw it and have no interest in doing so :p). I just hope all these changes don't affect NY in a negative way.
That certainly is a lot of changes.I had a hard time keeping the changes straight while I was reading.I can see viewers getting confused about when shows are actually airing.
I may go have to buy a bottle of Jim Beam to understand all these changes...and to keep track of them.
I'm with you guys - it's definitely confusing. Hopefully it won't be too confusing for people to remember when their shows are coming on and cause them to miss/skip them altogether.

It looks like they're throwing things at Friday to see if anything sticks (although not moving NY could be a sign that they aren't worried about its future, which could either be a good thing or a bad thing), and moving Blue Bloods to a prime timeslot for a few weeks could be a sign that they do think it has a future if there's a place for it.
I was hoping for Flashpoint's early return but Chaos sounds good. I'll try it. I'm glad NY isn't going anywhere. I'm now comfortable with it every Friday. :thumbsup:
I will watch whatever night these two shows "Blue Bloods" and "The Defenders" whenever they are on. Jim Belushi is brilliant..:bolian: They are two of best new shows on TV.. and are already in the top ratings.. If anyone watched either of these they would be a fan. Sounds good to me, as they're connected to CSI, and I think CBS know exactly what their doing;)
I'm with you guys - it's definitely confusing. Hopefully it won't be too confusing for people to remember when their shows are coming on and cause them to miss/skip them altogether.

I think this is one of the biggest issues with all this moving around. People can get confused because they don't know the day and time of their show and then add to it that they may not know if it's a new episode or a repeat and just lose track. I remember there was a season with either NY or Vegas that there were so many repeats that I lost track of when a new episode was coming on. It may be easier for us because we come to the forum but there's a lot of people who just tune in the day and time of the show.
I'm with you guys - it's definitely confusing. Hopefully it won't be too confusing for people to remember when their shows are coming on and cause them to miss/skip them altogether.

I think this is one of the biggest issues with all this moving around. People can get confused because they don't know the day and time of their show and then add to it that they may not know if it's a new episode or a repeat and just lose track. I remember there was a season with either NY or Vegas that there were so many repeats that I lost track of when a new episode was coming on. It may be easier for us because we come to the forum but there's a lot of people who just tune in the day and time of the show.

Suggestion, pruchase a TV Guide or something equivalant, then no confusion~
I'm with you guys - it's definitely confusing. Hopefully it won't be too confusing for people to remember when their shows are coming on and cause them to miss/skip them altogether.

I think this is one of the biggest issues with all this moving around. People can get confused because they don't know the day and time of their show and then add to it that they may not know if it's a new episode or a repeat and just lose track. I remember there was a season with either NY or Vegas that there were so many repeats that I lost track of when a new episode was coming on. It may be easier for us because we come to the forum but there's a lot of people who just tune in the day and time of the show.

Suggestion, pruchase a TV Guide or something equivalant, then no confusion~
TV Guide or it's equivalent isn't always up to date either, I know this from first hand experience.
Well, my TV Guide so far has always been up to date, but I also read my daily newspaper, and it's always accurate. I always look to see what's on, so far so good;)
Really? TV Guide is printed a little early.People receive it in the mail a week before the printed date.Perhaps you have been fortunate enough that the shows you were looking for were up to date. Both the TV Guide and the daily paper as well have been wrong because of a late or unexpected change, but good for you that your copy of the TV Guide and paper is always accurate.