CBS cancels all their TV shows

I was totally fooled for a second. An airline in my state just suddenly canceled their whole company so at this point I would have believed almost anything, the world is so crazy these days :lol:
Well played, SB, well played. :lol:

I actually forgot it was April Fools today until I saw American Idol and Ryan Seacrest said they pre-empted the show and 'The Moment of Truth' was going to play instead. :eek:

I hate this stupid day. :p
Hmmm Nice joke but I can honestly say I wasn't fooled. Would've been all over the news. lol Nice job
^Hahaha, I should've thought about that, but was much to blur to think. :lol:

Kinda like what happened when someone wrote that Danniel Radcliffe was dead on his wikipedia page. :lol: I figued it was a hoax after skimming through the news headlines and finding nothing :lol:.

So blur...