Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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Thanks for the promo

nice to see a two parter even if the episodes are in tow different mondays.
a lot of thretenig situations in this promo....the episode should be a good one.
What if the guy in the car is Mark Gantry?! AAA! The dude looks dead to me...that would stink.

I don't think it's Ryan though, I think his nose is too big.
What if the guy in the car is Mark Gantry?! AAA! The dude looks dead to me...that would stink.

I don't think it's Ryan though, I think his nose is too big.
I hope it's not Mark Gantry,that would be awful for Billy ,and Ryan would feel quilty .
I do agree it's not Ryan,nose and chin shape is different.
I don't think it's Mark. It doesn't look like him to me.

You know who it might be though? Maybe it's the person that the Russian mafia associate killed whose murder Ryan is forced to cover up or mess with evidence in.

Though I've been thinking that something may happen to Mark and if he has no other family, Ryan might end up getting custody of Billy as per Mark's will.
He could just be some random guy who was shot during the shootout. :confused:
I don't think it's Ryan, and when I look at how thick the hair is, it doesn't seem to be Horatio, either.

Oh, and p.s after watching the promo for 7.19 over and over again, I just realized! The guy who punches Ryan is wearing a ski mask.
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Here's our mystery guy:
He has orange or blonde hair and looks a lot like Horatio, even has the same hairline, kind of.

Uhm. I don't know. It seems to me that Horatio's face is rounder and fuller. This guy's face is longer and thinner - and so is his nose. Anyway it somewhat appears that way through the distortion of the glass. {shrug}
I don't think it's H. I said before the hair is wayy too thick and short.
Here's our mystery guy:
He has orange or blonde hair and looks a lot like Horatio, even has the same hairline, kind of.

Uhm. I don't know. It seems to me that Horatio's face is rounder and fuller. This guy's face is longer and thinner - and so is his nose. Anyway it somewhat appears that way through the distortion of the glass. {shrug}
I don't think it's H. I said before the hair is wayy too thick and short.

I know who the mystery guy is ;)

The guy in the car is the same guy who attacks Calleigh at the crime scene and steals her gun. H and Cal finally catch up to him and arrest him b/c they find Cal's gun in his car...they arrest him and put him in the back of a squad car. As H and Cal are talking a smiper starts taking shots at them....when the shooting is over, the only person dead is the mystery guy in the car. H says he was "target specific;" Meaning the sniper wasn't aiming at them but the suspect b/c someone wanted him out of the way so he wouldn't have the opportunity to talk to police.

^^^Keep in mind spoilers always change...but that is what I originally read ;)
Uhm. I don't know. It seems to me that Horatio's face is rounder and fuller. This guy's face is longer and thinner - and so is his nose. Anyway it somewhat appears that way through the distortion of the glass. {shrug}
I don't think it's H. I said before the hair is wayy too thick and short.

I know who the mystery guy is ;)

The guy in the car is the same guy who attacks Calleigh at the crime scene and steals her gun. H and Cal finally catch up to him and arrest him b/c they find Cal's gun in his car...they arrest him and put him in the back of a squad car. As H and Cal are talking a smiper starts taking shots at them....when the shooting is over, the only person dead is the mystery guy in the car. H says he was "target specific;" Meaning the sniper wasn't aiming at them but the suspect b/c someone wanted him out of the way so he wouldn't have the opportunity to talk to police.

^^^Keep in mind spoilers always change...but that is what I originally read ;)
Oh, you're my hero! Thank you! :)
Ok I watched the promo (thanks to HCrazy for that ;) ) and I was :eek:
I knew they were going to beat Ryan up in a pretty bad way & I knew they were going to attack Cal as well, but that bag thing left me :wtf:.
Do they want Cal to lose another lung?? I mean she left a lung on that interrogation room table on "Smoke gets in your CSIs", now they want her to leave the other one in the bag??? :lol: She can't go on without lungs LOL

Why do I feel bad for the mistery guy?? I already liked him just b/c he was going to attack Cal :shifty:
BTW thanks delkolover ;)
I know who the mystery guy is ;)

The guy in the car is the same guy who attacks Calleigh at the crime scene and steals her gun. H and Cal finally catch up to him and arrest him b/c they find Cal's gun in his car...they arrest him and put him in the back of a squad car. As H and Cal are talking a smiper starts taking shots at them....when the shooting is over, the only person dead is the mystery guy in the car. H says he was "target specific;" Meaning the sniper wasn't aiming at them but the suspect b/c someone wanted him out of the way so he wouldn't have the opportunity to talk to police.

^^^Keep in mind spoilers always change...but that is what I originally read ;)

I'm excited to see H and Cal working together in this episode, especially after Cal is attacked. I like the idea of H coming to the defense of his team members and working together to get the bad guy.

This sounds like an exciting action-packed episode with good storylines for most of the team, especially Ryan.

Florry86 said:
Why do I feel bad for the mistery guy?? I already liked him just b/c he was going to attack Cal

Wow! That's some serious Calleigh-hate! LOL.

I'm trying to think of a character I've loathed so much that I would rejoice in he/she getting assaulted.
Florry86 said:
Why do I feel bad for the mistery guy?? I already liked him just b/c he was going to attack Cal

Wow! That's some serious Calleigh-hate! LOL.

I'm trying to think of a character I've loathed so much that I would rejoice in he/she getting assaulted.
well you have to know that I love all the bad guys especially if they're going to attack our CSIs ;).
Surely the idea of him attacking Cal and then dying in what??? 2 scenes later leaves me sad :p
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Florry86 said:
Why do I feel bad for the mistery guy?? I already liked him just b/c he was going to attack Cal

Wow! That's some serious Calleigh-hate! LOL.

I'm trying to think of a character I've loathed so much that I would rejoice in he/she getting assaulted.
well you have to know that I love all the bad guys especially if they're going to attack our CSIs ;).
Surely the idea of him attacking Cal and then dying in what??? 2 scenes later leaves me sad :p

Florry86, I forgot to put my comments in a spoiler tags. You quoted me before I fixed it. Would you mind fixing your post?

I don't love bad guys. That's why I was perplexed by your statements. But I think I understand now. :lol:
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ArizonaGirl I fixed my post as well.
Anyway I do understand why you felt perplexed ;). But I'm crazy & I love all the tragedies for our characters :p
I think Ryan's whole kidnapping storyline will be a little different than I expected. Before I perceived it to be it's own, concentrated event, but it looks more like it will be part of a string of action and events.
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