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Catherine pulled away after a few seconds. "Oh, okay." she said with a smile as they danced.
Nick started to twirl her a bit more a few times, and pulled her close as the song changed into a slower beat one.
Catherine laughed as she was twirled. "I love this. This was a great present Nick, I love you." she told him.
Cath smiled and moaned a little. "This was a great present." she repeated. "You don't have any more surprises, do you?" she asked out of curiosity.
Nick kissed her again, and when the song ended, he kissed her hand, and lead her back to the table, and smiled at her, "You having a good time?"
Catherine raised her glass and tapped it against his. She then took a sip. She flicked her hair back and crossed her legs. "You know, no one has ever done this for me before."
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