Crysthala said:
Hunter? LOVE. YOUR. BANNER. Sobell is so awesome. <cough>
What? Divorce? Where? When?! INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW.
Okay, now then. Who else wanted it to be Warrick comforting Catherine that scene where she needed comforting Thursday night? I can't say what it was, because I am using quick reply and I don't know how to work the boxes of spoilerness, but it was the one where Catherine was crying and Grissom was leading her away... that totally should have been Warrick. Although, that does show that Grissom is getting all socially apt now. But anyway. Should have been Warrick. YOBLING! <whip crack>
I should totally write for this show, even for just one episode. YoBling highlight breakdown! First act: Breakroom. Warrick filling out divorce papers. Second act: Mucho flirting with Cath and Warrick; eyesex, winking, biting of lips, licking of chops, double-meaning words, the usual innuendo. Third act: Begins in a bedroom. Fill in the blanks. Fourth act: Warrick drops Lindsey off at school on the way to his house from Catherine's. Gets a call. "Hello, Catherine... uh huh... yeah... really?... okay... I did not know you could do that..." Hangs up phone. Does U-turn. Finish off episode. Roll credits. Everyone in this thread has siezure and squees. Yes, I should totally write for this show.