Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

no you keep dreaming, Lynn
Lol, you two crack me up! :lol: :lol: I love it! :D
Aw come on, what's HEGM? You make me sad not wanting to tell me lol.
I know, me too! I wanna know!! :D Please, pretty please!!
*hugs Mo back*
Awww thanks hon! **huggles!**
Rowr! But it doesn't hurt him, does it? I hope not.
Nah, he can handle it! :devil: Right Kels ? ;) :lol: Nicky likes the love marks! :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Haha, that's true Moriel we'll tease you anyway. :p

HEGM is hot and very naughty, but we still can't tell you. Lynn only mentions it in here to torment me.

Me and Moriel are very lucky[/b]. Lynn and Mel can keep fighting over Mac. :D

Nicky likes them, I just hope Cath doesn't spot the ones I've left. :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Haha, that's true Moriel we'll tease you anyway.
Yup I know! :p Heehee, but it's okay...makes me feel special somehow! :lol:
HEGM is hot and very naughty, but we still can't tell you. Lynn only mentions it in here to torment me.
And Mel and I since we don't know what it is! :p Naughty and Hot? Seriously you SOOO have to share! I LOVE all things naughty and hot! :devil:
Me and Moriel are very lucky. Lynn and Mel can keep fighting over Mac.
Yeah we are! Good job us for picking different guys...heehee! (Not that I don't think Nick is HOT! :devil: But you can have him...I'm good with Danny! :D )
Nicky likes them, I just hope Cath doesn't spot the ones I've left.
:lol: :lol: NICE Kels! Way to mark your man! :devil: Just don't make them too obvious and she'll probably just think she did it! ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, since when has my being caught up or not stopped you from teasing me! Heehee!

Very good point..

Lol, you two and that thing! I don't even really know what that is and I KNOW it's hot and naughty!


no you keep dreaming, Lynn

You'd like that wouldn't you?.. To bad!

Aw come on, what's HEGM? You make me sad not wanting to tell me lol.

Its code for::: Melly's nuts thinkings she's got Mac. :lol:

JK. But not tellin'

ooh claw Rowr! But it doesn't hurt him, does it? I hope not.

Aww don't worry Melly, he likes it. ;)

HEGM is hot and very naughty, but we still can't tell you. Lynn only mentions it in here to torment me.

Do not!.. Wait, yes, Yes I do.

Me and Moriel are very lucky. Lynn and Mel can keep fighting over Mac.

Melly wishes she had Mac!

Nicky likes them, I just hope Cath doesn't spot the ones I've left.

Ooh I'm telling!. She'll hurt you for leaving marks on her Nicky!

Naughty and Hot? Seriously you SOOO have to share! I LOVE all things naughty and hot!

*thinks* Ummm.. Nos?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Okay so I'm having Catnip withdrawals from not being able to see this ship in action...Darn it! Work gets in the way of things. :(

But I did have a wonderful Catnip dream. I keep hearing Nicky! Nicky! Nicky! Cath is in the distance...I can't say what else happened. :devil:

Anyways, Lynn is upset me cuz of Texas ficcie. She keeps looking forward to it. But shhhh...I can't tell her that the fic took a turn for the worst. :eek:

I can't help it I just let me muse fly sometimes...It took me in the wrong direction. Somehow it ended up with Catnip and M&M's...but it's sad...even angsty people won't like it. :eek:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

no, you wish you had Mac, Lynn. *points to new location comment*

Awww...I hope there's some happiness soon. Don't want to drive our chars nuts lol.

*wonders if Cath opened her Halloween treat yet* :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lynn you can't tell her, then she'd kill me. :(

I'm sure Cath enjoyed her halloween treat...Nicky. :devil:

Spoiler for 7x11, not really much more than we've already heard.

Catherine and Nick head to the small town of Mina, Nevada to investigate the bloody disappearance of Laura Burchfield and her daughter Robyn in the hopes of linking their blood to Finch’s knife. Their disappearances coincide with Catherine’s time line. “Leaving Las Vegas” is expected to air on the 7th of December, 2006.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Its code for::: Melly's nuts thinkings she's got Mac.
JK. But not tellin'
That's just mean! :( :p **Mo pouts!** If I threaten to steal your Macky will you tell me? :lol:
Ooh I'm telling!. She'll hurt you for leaving marks on her Nicky!
Awww don't do that hon, besides you don't want someone telling Stel about all the marks you've been putting on Mac now do ya! ;) :D
But I did have a wonderful Catnip dream. I keep hearing Nicky! Nicky! Nicky! Cath is in the distance...I can't say what else happened.
Aud! Yay for being in CatNip! And you're dream...totally sent me to the gutter! :devil: Nice, very nice! :devil:
but it's sad...even angsty people won't like it.
Lol, so then I definitely shouldn't read it huh...since I'm not even remotely angsty! ;) :lol:
What do you think it means when it says it "coincides with Catherine's timeline"? Anyone??!! Love them going out of town together..."opportunities" galore!! :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Haha, nice one Moriel I didn't think of that. Lynn you tell Cath and I'll tell Stella. :p

Don't worry that dream sent me to the gutter too, no surprise there then. :lol:

I should probably have copied the whole spoiler.

Inside the courthouse, Catherine testifies at the murder trial of Jay Finch, Addie Finch’s son. The opening scene is a version of events that unfolds in the context of the courtroom. Catherine describes how CSI processed the knife and found blood from four different sources. One source being the victim, another her son, with two more belonging to unknown genetically related females. A series of short scenes runs through the murder case point-by-point, rather than chronologically. Catherine testifies that Jay Finch killed his mother because his blood was found on the knife and also in his mother’s bathroom. As stabbing is messing business, she hypothesizes that Finch likely cut himself. Ultimately, Finch’s attorney establishes reasonable doubt by getting Catherine to admit that it’s possible one of the two unknown females was the assailant. Finch is found not guilty.

I'm really looking forward to this one, CatNip alone in a remote town, hope we get some really good scenes out of this. And other spoilers mentioned that they talk about Sam's money so maybe she'll open up to him and tell him how she's feeling.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Haha, nice one Moriel I didn't think of that. Lynn you tell Cath and I'll tell Stella.
No prob hon! ;) **Mo giggles and then runs to hide Danny before Lynn gets mad and tries to steal him too!** :lol:
Don't worry that dream sent me to the gutter too, no surprise there then.
Lol, sweet deal! Yeah I didn't think I'd be alone in that! :devil: :D

Gotcha, yeah that makes alot more sense now! Thanks hon! Hmmm, so they are going to track down a lead to prove Cath right huh? Lol, nice! And yeah I'm loving the CatNip alone in some small town! Sounds like a recipe for CSI romance to me! Wohoo!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Okay so I'm having Catnip withdrawals from not being able to see this ship in action...Darn it! Work gets in the way of things.

Thats just its way of saying you need to hang out in CatNip more.

.but it's sad...even angsty people won't like it

Now when you say that Auda, it usually means you killed them. didn't you?

no, you wish you had Mac, Lynn. *points to new location comment*

Keep thinking that Melly.

**Mo pouts!** If I threaten to steal your Macky will you tell me?

You wouldn't dare.

Awww don't do that hon, besides you don't want someone telling Stel about all the marks you've been putting on Mac now do ya!

You do it, I'll tell Linds. if I'm going down, you're going with!

Aud! Yay for being in CatNip! And you're dream...totally sent me to the gutter! Nice, very nice!

Seconds that. :devil:

Yay them alone. just the two of them on a little roadtrip yay!!!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

LOL...I won't kill you if she tells...but i many if she DOESN'T tell :grin: J/k of course

Thanks for the spoiler info. Oooh you think they'll find ways to spend their, er, off hours? Back at the hotel? :grin:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Looks like we all might be going down together.

Killing CatNip, please no. That fic that KeLynn wrote had me in tears. :(

Just imagine what they could get up to alone away from the rest of the team.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'd rather die with you all. :D

And you say I'm angsty, KeLynn is too!

I could list them all, if you'd like?

Thread ideas anyone? .. I've got a few.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

KeLynn can be very angsty, she gets that from you. :D

I can guess what you're thinking :devil:

Thread ideas?
My first choice isn't allowed. :(

Do you still like to dance?
He'd dance with her anytime
(Although, we've already had dancing in this title)

Lynn do you want to post the other ones, you know the ones I'm talking about. ;)

I'll think of some more.

Some caps from And then there were none

Nick thinking about what he could do to Cath later
Nick still thinking about what he could do to Cath later
Tongue Porn
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