Carmine in Black Hawk Down


Adam Fangirl
Super Moderator
There was an older board that asked about Carmine's role in Black Hawk Down. I scanned through the posts and found that things began to take a turn for the Locker Room (naughty naughty :devil:), but I posted at the end anyway. I'm not sure if anyone is actually going to read it or care about the movie by the time they get to the end ;), so I decided to delete my post there. However, I've gone over the time limit so I decided that I'd start a new thread instead. If this is in any way unagreeable, Mods, feel free to kick my little baby thread to the curb. ;) :p

First I wanted to start by posting a quote of my message from the other board (which is entitled "Question regarding Carmine"), so here it is (including allusions to the naughty bits of that board--tsk tsk! :rolleyes: :lol: ;) :p)--I did change one teeny word that I wanted to edit anyway, but otherwise it is unchanged. Enjoy! :D

Wow... :eek:okay, I actually browsed this thread because I thought it had to do with Black Hawk Down, and now my poor little virgin mind is warped (ha ha! :p). Anyway, as all of that discussion was, I thought I'd cut in and actually answer the question about Carmine's part in BHD ;). I'll admit that I DID watch it just to look for him, but to be fair, I've seen it several times before and it's good on it's own without the several CSI:NY people in it (there's the Vicara guy or whoever, Carmine, and the guy who shot the mounted officer in that episode last season.) It IS hard to find Carmine, but I saw him at several points. In the beginning, when the guys are all hanging out and talking about the "skinnies," someone mentions the thing about paying with camels and Carmine is the guy who says (while whittling or whatever), "There must be a lot of f***ing camel debt." Then he asks Josh Hartnett's character if he really likes "the skinnies." (that word just rubs me the wrong way, just to mention it.) I lost him for a while, but then when they were trapped in that building where the guy died with the leg injury, at one point he says that they need to do an "evac" of the wounded and get out of there. Then, I think it's after the guy dies on the table (Did anybody else notice that Hugh Dancey or whatever his last name is from Ella Enchanted played the doctor?... ;)), it shows everybody sort of subdued and Carmine looks to be lounging near a window or something. After that, I lost him again until the group made it to UN territory, where they showed him on the ground. One of the guys (maybe Jason Issacs?--who is hella hott for an older guy, by the way :D) asked how he was feeling and he said that he couldn't feel a thing--drugs are good like that :p.

Well, I that's all that I can remember of him from BHD. I don't know who he was supposed to have played, but I'm sure anyone could find out easily. I did notice that the boy has some skinny-arse thighs in that scene where he was whittling (careful with the knife, or the LR girls might have to kiss your boo boos to make them better--and then some! :devil:). I also noticed that, to be fair of the slightly-horrid military haircut, at least he doesn't have a wonky head!

Well, if anyone really cares about it anymore, that's my two cents (now you can go back to talking about butts and bananas--honestly! :rolleyes: :lol:)

Well, that's all for now. I hope that helped anyone who couldn't find the poor boy in the movie without his glasses and big guns *pinches Carmine's buff-arse arms and squeals*. :D :p
I knew THE GUY AT THE WINDOW WAS HIM!!! I was thinking "Thats him, isn't it? No it isn't. But it looks like him... Is it him?" during that scene. :D
I know how you feel Robospanker Fan --I watched the movie once after I started watching NY and before I realized that it was actually him and was like "Hey, you know, that guy looks familiar...Where do I know him from..." When I finally figured it out I was like "Eureka!" (I hate when I KNOW that I've seen someone somewhere and I can't place where) :D
I didnt know about Carmine being in the movie until after NY started. I had watched the movie many times before, basically because of Josh Hartnett and Orlando Bloom. Carmine did a great job in the movie. I watched it with a friend and we pointed out all the Carmine scenes which was fun.
I didn't know who the heck Carmine was before NY lol. I had watched Black Hawk Down once before that, and when I found out he was in it, I was thinking, "I have gotta watch it. Again. Gotta gotta gotta..."

And lol, Faylinn , I hate it when something looks familiar, feels familiar, but I just can't find out how its familiar.
Yes....I have that movie too. Great movie. I don't remember him playin a big part though. Along with my sexy Jeremy. :p But, this is a Carmine thread.
Hey, Faylinn, that thread you were talking about was started by me! hehee..

Yeah, same here, I first saw Black Hawk Down before I even knew CSI:NY and:
'Oh, that guy just said something about camels...'
'Oh, that guy looks so sad looking out the window...'
'Oh, that guy has a nice accent...'

Then, seeing Carmine's movie credits,
"THAT WAS CARMINE???????????" :eek: :eek: :eek:

Than I dug up the DVD and watched the whole thing again, looking for the dear boy. But I couldn't find him, hence, started the previous thread... :lol:
Yes....I have that movie too. Great movie. I don't remember him playin a big part though. Along with my sexy Jeremy. :p But, this is a Carmine thread.

Jeremy Piven was in Black Hawk Down??? I didn't know that. I love him!
Black Hawk Down fan here. Read the book and saw the movie a million times. Carmine played sergeant Mike Goodale
If his name was mentioned in the movie, I never caught it. There were just so many guys in it that I probably would have forgotten it even if they did! :p
they didn`t mentioned it.
and besides i watched the "behind the scenes"on my DVD and Carmine actually admitted he was pretty scared during the shootings. `cause nobody told the actors where the gunfire was gonna be, so everyone just started shooting at one another. Jerry Bruckheimer later said that it made the movie more realistic.
I don't usually write dialogue, etc. with the people, just the characters on the show (because that's somehow less creepy :devil:), but I'm going to make an exception in this case:

--I am Ed (which is a short form of "Editor" that I despise but that Fay insists on calling me--I'm not a dude, just so you know), Fay's editor who usually appears when we are discussing holiday presents, in case you didn't know who I am. I will now tell you a little story of what happened on the set of Black Hawk Down, cause Fay was there, doncha know?--

*The cast is hunkered down in various places, all decked out in their sexy, dirty little uniforms, waiting for the scene to start*
CARMINE: *to self* Ok, I'm a little scared, I'm not gonna lie.
*magical sound and poof of glittery purple smoke*
*Fay is heeeeeere*
FAY: I'm heeeeeere! Let me snuggle you against my bosom! *attempts to snuggle*
CARMINE: *is kinda weirded out* How'd you get here? And who are you?
FAY: Oh, silly boy, I never reveal my secrets. And you know perfectly well who I am.
*Carmine thinks*
CARMINE: Wait a second, you're that crazy biatch that's always using and abusing my character...May, isn't it?
FAY: *is not amused* It's Fay, and I suggest that you have a little more respect. It's not like I want to be slightly-psycho or anything. *lip trembles* It's just such a demanding role. D'you think I like having to constantly come up with new ways to torment you in a totally-sexy way? *tears well up* And now you say that y-you d-d-don't l-like me?...Whaaaa *cries*
CARMINE: *is repentant* Ok, ok, I'm sorry that I insulted you. I never actually knew that you were just playing a part...
*Fay sniffles and smiles hesitantly*
CARMINE: But why are you here? This has nothing to do with CSI.
FAY: You said that you were scared. I'm here to offer my bosom for comfort. *smiles innocently*
*Carmine looks unsure*

--Yeah, you should be, boy! Do you honestly think the CSI people would hire a psycho chick to torment you and not even tape the parts when you're nekid?--

*shooting starts*
*Carmine nearly pees himself*
*Fay smiles and gestures to her bosom*
*Carmine thinks*
*Fay: point, point*
*Carmine inches closer*
*point, point*
*gunfire: bang, bang*
*Carmine tosses the faux gun away and throws himself at Fay--Wow, I've never used those particular words, have I?-- who pats him gently on the head*
FAY: There there, don't fret, Carmine...*pat pat*
*bang bang*
*pat pat*

--Well, that was sort of sad, wasn't it? I mean, maybe it didn't happen exactly how Fay described it to me, but that's what she said, and I'm not about to suggest that she's wrong, am I? It's certainly true that at one point the director missed Carmine in the shot and went looking for him, only to find Fay snuggling him against her bosom, patting him on the head, but whether it was his idea is a different story. I'll let you be the judge, eh?--
*wonders if that was a compliment or not*


*doesn't care (evil laugh) ;)--I love writing humorous and slightly disturbing little stories.*

If it didn't take forever just to keep up with the posts on this site, I might try to do a fanfiction--but I'm not sure people could handle even more of me being ker-azy! :lol:

*pat pat* :lol: