Carmine: Hairy Chest or Not?


Head of the Graveyard Shift
Ok, so a lot of people have been saying that they prefer Carmine with hair on his chest. I, for one disagree with you all. Chest hair on any guy is gross & it seriously brings back bad memories. For all those laughing I suggest spending a day on a beach in Greece. If you're still not conviced I say that you should go for David Hasselhof as well...
Well, it's no secret where I stand on the issue. *points to siggie* Don't get me wrong, I'd ravage his sweet ass either way, but if we're going for preference, I like the chest with a bit of hair on it. :devil:

Oh, and jorja, comparing Carmine to Hasselhoff is a crime against humanity. You will now be handcuffed and spanked soundly by Carmine. I'm sorry to have to inflict such punishment, but really, you deserve it for that. :devil:

And besides--yeah, really-really hairy guys can be gross, but even when he had squirrelies hanging out all over the top of his tank top, Carmine was never that nasty. :p You really should know better. ;)
I like it either way (on Carmine that is), as long as it's not to much hair.

I've seen guys with too much hair and that just grossed me out, like they belong in the jungle :p
Faylinn said:
Oh, and jorja, comparing Carmine to Hasselhoff is a crime against humanity. You will now be handcuffed and spanked soundly by Carmine. I'm sorry to have to inflict such punishment, but really, you deserve it for that. :devil:

And besides--yeah, really-really hairy guys can be gross, but even when he had squirrelies hanging out all over the top of his tank top, Carmine was never that nasty. :p You really should know better. ;)

Well remind me to make mistakes more often if that's my punishment :devil:.

Wait, I think you should know better :p. If Hasselhof isn't a good comparison think of Steve Carrell in the waxing scene during The 40 year old virgin...pre wax :lol:.

I seriously expect him to run into a scene dressed in a skimpy loin coth & go, "Me Tarzan!" while thumping on his chest. A little hair is ok but the guy has enough hair on his chest to produce a toupee for my dad & a few either bald men, such as George Costanza :lol:.

Mmm loin cloth...kinky :devil:!
I'm not sure if 'who honestly gives a f*ck?' was supposed to mean that this discussion is utterly ridiculous or if it doesn't matter that Carmine has hair or not, but I'm going with the latter.

Though in all honesty, I didn't even notice that he was hairless until someone brought it up in one of the other threads. I was more concerned with the fact that the man was finally stripping and whether or not I approved of it due to circumstances. I was even more concerned that Hill wouldn't move his damn head, and kept hoping Carmine would turn around again and take a step back. :lol:

His hair, or lack-there-of, didn't even cross my mind. Though I prefer that Carmine has some hair on his chest, I'll take him anyway TPTB will give him. Since TPTB are so intent to pimp him out as the hot guy...I won't be terribly picky. :rolleyes:

But now his hairless chest will require continual care. Once those squirrelies start making their appearance again, he'll be all prickly. And that's just -- ew. :(
My apologizes then. I should clarify that the 'I don't give a f*ck option' is meant to be taken as that the person who voted for that option does not care if Carmine has chest hair or no, he still looks great. I'm sure some people like him either way :lol:. We'll see what happens...
SimplyBlue said:
I'm not sure if 'who honestly gives a f*ck?' was supposed to mean that this discussion is utterly ridiculous or if it doesn't matter that Carmine has hair or not, but I'm going with the latter.

Me too. I love the hair but frankly I'd take whatever was on offer :p
SimplyBlue said:
Though in all honesty, I didn't even notice that he was hairless until someone brought it up in one of the other threads. I was more concerned with the fact that the man was finally stripping and whether or not I approved of it due to its circumstances.

His hair, or lack-there-of, didn't even cross my mind.

You said it. I didn't notice it until I read it here on the board. During the first viewing of an episode, you don't pay attention to details, especially in a scene like that. ;)

I'll take him anyway TPTB will give him. Since TPTB are so intent to pimp him out as the hot guy...I won't be terribly picky. :rolleyes:

:lol: Again, I have to agree. I voted for "No chest hair" because I'm usually not a fan (and with good reason, men around here have these curly dark hair that are just eww! I know Carmine doesn't fall into that category but I guess I've been traumatized in the past *lol*. jorja, I definitely know what you mean...) but I'll take him any way they put him on screen.
Orison said:
You said it. I didn't notice it until I read it here on the board. During the first viewing of an episode, you don't pay attention to details, especially in a scene like that.
Oh of course. You're first more concerned about registering that yes, Carmine is taking off his shirt and no, there isn't a wifebeater underneath. Just glorious skin.

After managing to keep your ovaries from exploding or your brain from frying, you then try desperately to burn the image into your mind and keep it there.

I mean, when most people can't even remember what Hawkes and Danny's conversation was about (or vaguely recall it), things like chest hair is inconsequential and not even worth noting. :lol:
My take on this: this must have been shortly after Kimmy's Sweet Talk and Apple Pie took place! :devil: :D

And I voted I don't care. Because normally I can't stand hairy chests, ugh!, I'm all for the smooth metrosexual sculpted model. But I don't think it fits Carmine. At first I was even surprised that I'm not grossed out by the tuft sticking out from under his shirt. He's one of the few man I accept, and maybe even prefer, hirsute. Alas, this serves to show that he's conforming to the LA living. :p Pitty. But I'll take him either way. ;)
i have to say, i think carmine's now super smooth chest does look good with the fuzz! :lol: i personally would take him either way he comes :devil: but i would like to have something to wrap my fingers into hehe i mean no way could he ever be compared to 'the hoff' .. now that is jus plain gross!!! :lol: The hoff has like a RUG growing on him lol carmine's fuzz was sexy... not too much, jus right :D

hehe i know, right?! lol Rad made it :D i snagged it from over in the signature banner thread in fan art :D there are so many cool ones :D and seeing as i LOVE that scene.. i jus couldn't my self lol ;)

EDIT spelling :lol:
Normal chest hair = bleh eww ugh!!
Carmine's chest hair = *drool thud*

Hair is good. Very good.
*unites with Faylinn and starts picketing for Carmine's chest hair*