Caption Game NY Style

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There's one of these in the Miami forum and it's a lot of fun. I haven't been able to find one here so thought I'd start a new thread. Here's how you play:

{borrowed from MJSZUD]

How to play (for any newbies)...

I'll start with a picture, then you post a caption.
After 48 hours, I'll pull & post all the captions then start the voting.
There is a 48 hour voting period also.
I'll post the winning caption , then the winner will take us into the new round with a new pic.

Now a recap of the Do's and Don'ts...

1. No bashing characters
2. No foul language - this is a PG-13 board - disguise it please!
3. Only vote for 1 caption....anyone can vote.
4. If you're starting the round with the new picture, you cannot place a caption to be entered in that round.
6. Do make a caption, even if you think it's'd be surprised at how easily we're amused.
7. Absolutely DO have FUN!!

Here's a link to the Miami one if you want to get an idea:

Ok, here's a pic to get us started!

Stella: What do you think about that Don?

Flack: Everyday I meet someone stupid and I think to myself they just don't come any stupider, then I'm proven wrong again, and again, and again......
Guys, we have a limit of two games in this forum--this is a forum for discussion of the show, not games. If you want to end either the picture game or the guess the quote game, and run this one instead we can put it to a vote, but for now, I'm closing this down. The Naughty Picture Thread kind of allows for this anyway.

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