To the new players, welcome to the game.
Voting round. Good luck to all.
Frank: "Dang, Wolfe! What crawled up your butt and died?"
Ryan: "Shoulda seen Jess and Walter open those Hummer windows."
Rex Linn: Hey, Jon. Why are you wearing a CBS logo on your jacket?
Jonathan Togo: CBS is paying me $10 a day to promote them. If they can charge companies to advertise on their network, I can charge the network to advertise on my jacket.
Rex: Don't you know they charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for each minute of air time?
Jonathan: So you think I should charge them $20?
Tripp: Wolfe! We haven't seen you at a lot of the crime scenes lately. Where the hell have you been?
Ryan: Oh, wouldn't you like to know?
Tripp: Yeah, I would. Isn't that why I asked?
Frank: Oh, no, Wolfe, ah, pink is not your color.
Frank: Wipe that smirk off your face, Wolfe.
Ryan: Sorry, Frank. *chuckles* I just--that video of you singing in the shower was just too much to handle. *starts laughing* I never knew you could pull off a Celine Dion.
Frank: Hey. *glares* That was private. And I was just warming up.
Ryan: Nice haircut Frank. [laughs]
Frank: [touches his head] Well it's not
my fault that my regular barber was on vacation. [to himself] Besides, look who's talking.
Frank: Wolfe, don't you know those colors clash? I should send you on
What Not To Wear.
Ryan: Cool. I'd love to meet Stacy. She's hot.