Caption Game Miami Style Pt. 4

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Ryan: You did not do that. You. DID. NOT!
Natalia: *in hysterics* s...sure-hur-hure I didn't... *falls over chair*
Ryan: Uh, H, look, I think Natalia knows where your sunglasses are... I just hope she didn't drop them by the toxic waste bin...
Horatio, off screen: WHAT?!
^^ :hugegrin:

Here are your captions -- Happy voting!

Ryan: Uh, I think someone put something funny in Natalia's brownies.
Nat: *giggling* RyRy, there'zz nuthin' wrong with .....*flop, falls over*

Natalia: "I love it! Where's my camera?"
Ryan: "Natalia, that's mean. You really should tell Calleigh."
Natalia: "What? That I put the black stuff on her eyepieces?"
Ryan: "Yeah. She's been walking around like Rocky Raccoon for an hour now."
Natalia: "When she apologizes for making me do a rush sample of Frank's toenails."

Ryan: Don't you just love playing Twister?
Natalia: Watch where you put that hand, Mr. Wolfman.

Nat: Ryan you have to see this, Travers went to ask Valera for a date (stifles laughter) and his legs gave out (laughs hysterically)
Ryan: That is the best thing I've seen all day!!

Natalia,laughing hysterically: I can't believe Frank posted that picture on
Ryan:I can't believe he wore that hideous tie for the picture.

Ryan: You did not do that. You. DID. NOT!
Natalia: *in hysterics* s...sure-hur-hure I didn't... *falls over chair*
Ryan: Uh, H, look, I think Natalia knows where your sunglasses are... I just hope she didn't drop them by the toxic waste bin...
Horatio, off screen: WHAT?!
That link doesn't work. I think we're supposed to upload the pic to our photo album account or something. If you don't have one, photobucket (for standard account) and imageshack are both free.
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