Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

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Calleigh: "Okay, Eric. I'm going grocery shopping for the party tomorrow. Now lemme get this straight. These are the ingredients for Frank's 'Intenstinal Express Chili'?"

Delko: "Yep. But I'm not putting all those peppers in there. Last time we made that stuff Wolfe didn't come out of the men's room for a week."
^^^ There's your winner.

You're up Jag Lady. :)
Thanks, everybody.

In anticipation of getting my Rick fix this season, here's my next one.

Go for it!

Ha ha, poor Horatio, he thinks he's got me beat but little does he know that I'll check mate him no matter what piece he moves... I'm just going to pretend to look worried so he can put his usual bravado but when he does....heh heh heh
Stetler: Horatio, Zip it! Ziiiiip. Ladies and gentlemen, exZIP IT A. I'm Zippi Longstocking!
Rick: "The intense stare works for Wolfe, maybe it will work for me too."

Ryan(off screen): "Not with that shirt/tie combo. It's the whole look"
Voting time. :p

"To be or not to be... that is the question."

Ha ha, poor Horatio, he thinks he's got me beat but little does he know that I'll check mate him no matter what piece he moves... I'm just going to pretend to look worried so he can put his usual bravado but when he does....heh heh heh

Stetler: Horatio, Zip it! Ziiiiip. Ladies and gentlemen, exZIP IT A. I'm Zippi Longstocking!

Rick: "The intense stare works for Wolfe, maybe it will work for me too."

Ryan(off screen): "Not with that shirt/tie combo. It's the whole look"

Rick: "Why am I always the bad guy? I want to be a good guy for once." *thinks hard*
Oh boy. Eenie Meenie Miney...


At least this time Rick wasn't wearing a suit that made him look like Bozo after a bad weekend, though.
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