Caption Game - Miami style pt.2

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Calleigh: Ryan, what did you do?
Ryan: Nothing
Eric: He broke Horatio's sunnies and kinda messed up the gun lab.
Calleigh: :mad: You are so dead!!

This was my first time trying this so it probably sucks :)
Calleigh: Ryan, I have a huge invasion of ants in my gun lab.
Ryan: (joking) Well, can't you just shoot them?
Eric: I still have some pot left over from a couple years ago. We can use it to anesthetize them. Then we'll hire Cooper to sweep them out of the lab.
Calleigh: You put itching powder on the Sunglasses Of Justice? Even Neptune is not far enough to hide.
Cal: What happened?
Eric: Well, you know Samantha and Valera don't get along, right? Well, Samantha put purple dye in Valera's shampoo.
Ryan: Purple is a good color for Maxine.

It was funnier before I edited it, but it was also shippy. I forgot which caption thread I was in for a minute. :lol:
Ryan - *sing-song voice* "I know something you don't know!!"
Calleigh - "Ryan, we're not in junior high. Hold him Eric."
Eric - "You got it Cal"
Calleigh - "Noogie noogie noogie!"

here's your captions for voting -

Calleigh: Ryan, what did you do?
Ryan: Nothing
Eric: He broke Horatio's sunnies and kinda messed up the gun lab.
Calleigh: :mad: You are so dead!!

Calleigh: Ryan, I have a huge invasion of ants in my gun lab.
Ryan: (joking) Well, can't you just shoot them?
Eric: I still have some pot left over from a couple years ago. We can use it to anesthetize them. Then we'll hire Cooper to sweep them out of the lab.

Calleigh: You put itching powder on the Sunglasses Of Justice? Even Neptune is not far enough to hide.

Cal: What happened?
Eric: Well, you know Samantha and Valera don't get along, right? Well, Samantha put purple dye in Valera's shampoo.

Ryan: Purple is a good color for Maxine.

Ryan - *sing-song voice* "I know something you don't know!!"
Calleigh - "Ryan, we're not in junior high. Hold him Eric."
Eric - "You got it Cal"
Calleigh - "Noogie noogie noogie!"
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