Voting Time
Here is the pic
Now your Captions
Linds: Danny, are you listening to me?
Danny: :silence:
Linds: I can't believe you're still giving me the silent treatment! I said I was sorry!
Don: I hate it when they fight!
Danny: Linds it's not what it looks like I fell and she happened to be there...
Lindsay: Save it Messer
Flack: When I gave you that doll it was joke, I didn't expect you to use it
Thinking. Why did we break up like this?

Thinking. Why is she staring at him like that? He's mine!!!

Thinking. They've been acting really weird lately. I wonder if they found out about me and Stella?
Don - "Danny, how many times do I have to tell you the basketball game is the other direction, down there!"
Lindsay - "Gee, Danny, even I know that!"
Danny - "Shut up, both of you - I'm stuck on the soda down here!"
Flack: HMMPF he thinks he can just sit there...
Lindsay: Danny, have you heard a word I said? I said the body was found over there.
Danny: Well I'm staying here. At least until
HE apologizes. He had no right to insult my hair like he did.
Flack: I! I! I did no such thing! *Folds arms across chest*
Lindsay: UGH! (rolls eyes) I hate getting in the middle of their fights.
Don: Come on Linds. Did you have to damage him there? What the hell good is he to me now?
Linds: Don't know, don't care.
Happy Voting
*mjszud, once again I'm very sorry.*