Voting Time
Here is the picture
Now your Captions
H: "Miss Boa Vista.....Have I told you how exceptionally fine you look today?"
Natalia: ~pout~ "I don't believe you. I heard you tell Calleigh the same thing earlier."
H: "No honestly. The view of your....oops I mean...from behind is very fine. So fine that I had to take my sunnies off."
Natalia: There goes Eric. I can't believe he chose Calleigh over me!
Horatio: I'm still available. And I'm much more
*puts on sunglasses*... youthful

than I look.
Natalia: OMG! His sunglasses are off? I can't stare straight his eyes, or he'll steal my soul.
Horatio: Oh, Natalia....
Natalia: *pouting* HMMM I'm mad at you
Horatio: Why love?
Natalia: You only said I was pretty 6 times today. You know our rule, I have to hear it at least 8 times every day.
Horatio: So sorry love *puts on sunnies

* I'll *dramatic pause* try to remember next time.
H (thinking): Woah... she's got a nice tush on her.
Natalia (thinking): :shifty: Is my boss checking out my butt?
Horatio: Listen, Natalia... I'm
really sorry about last night... I knew it was too soon to break out the ass-less chaps and the leather whip but... I... I thought you-
Natalia: I
really do not wanna talk about that right now!
Horatio- Damn where are my sunglasses...puts them on...If only people knew they were really x ray glasses
Natalia- yeah I do and I saw you following Calleigh with them on earlier so it's no use looking at me like that now
Happy Voting