Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Sooo cool! Thread #6! :eek: I feel like a proud mommy who's watching her babies grow up. :lol:

Let's start with a lovely pic and the updated CaRWash Quotes List. ;)

It looks like they're about to hold hands. :lol:


3x03: Calleigh: "You're crazy, you know that? You could have been gator bait on your first day."
3x03: Ryan: "I'm glad everything turned out okay."
3x03: Calleigh: "What are you doing? Ryan? Ryan! Ryan?"
3x03: Ryan: "Looking for this? I took the backdoor."
3x03: Ryan: "I did sacrifice my lunch. Just remember that."
3x05: Ryan: "Those are nice earrings by the way."
3x05: Calleigh: "You took my class."
3x05: Ryan: "If I'm not mistaking, that's a cosmopolitan." "Total chick drink." Calleigh: *evil glare*
3x05: Calleigh: "Ryan, did you find the trace report? Alexx said you got it mixed up with tox...are you okay?" Ryan: "Yeah. I used to be in patrol...everything would just move along..." Calleigh: "It takes some getting used to. I understand."
3x13: Ryan: "Some women are just attracted to bad boys." Calleigh: "Oh really? Do tell." Ryan: "Come on, like you've never been tempted."
3x07: Calleigh: "Be careful out there."
3x16: Calleigh: "I'll get Ryan."
3x16: Calleigh: "Let's go introduce ourselves."
3x21: Ryan: "It's no big deal, I was sorting it by date." Calleigh: "I usually do it by file number. I'm sorry, I appreciate it, I really do, it's just I like to get all my duck in a row before I go to court."
3x21: Ryan: "I didn't know about your... Your dad... And what you were trying to do. "Calleigh: "You know, I've learned in this business, just that you know one thing about a person doesn't mean you know everything about him."
3x23: Eric: "You're always defending him."
4x08: Calleigh: "You. In the elevator. With me. We're leaving now."
4x08: Ryan: "So I guess you can take the girl out of firearms... But no you can't, cause it's you."
4x08: Ryan: "You always take his side." Calleigh: "Funny, he always says the same thing about you."
4x08: Ryan: "Ever pushed aside the dinner plate to get some?"
4x16: Calleigh: "You wanna ask me again in an hour over a beer?" Ryan: "You're not mad at me... Cause I heard we got into a really big fight today." Calleigh: "Don't believe everything you hear."
4x17: Kaiser: "Big day coming up for the both of you?"
4x19: Ryan: "Meet me in the garage."
4x19: Calleigh: "You'd do the same for me if I were having a bad day."
4x23: Ryan: "You have plans after work tonight?"
4x23: Ryan: "Could you put my name on the card?" Calleigh: *huge grin* "I already put your name on the card."
4x23: Ryan: "You're fantastic."
5x01: Ryan: "You look very beautiful today." Calleigh: "Well, that's a... That's a nice save."
5x01: Calleigh: "Why are you beating yourself up? You just broke the case!"
5x02: Ryan: "I'm glad you're ok." Calleigh: "Thanks Babe."©
5x06: Calleigh: "See, I don't think this place is very scary in the day time. Do you?" *rubs shoulder* Ryan: "What? Nah... Come on, I wasn't scared." Calleigh: *giggles* "Way to change the subject."
5x10: Ryan: "How did you get your hot little hands on a military watch list?"
5x11: Calleigh: "Great job!" Ryan: "Thanks." Calleigh: *huge grin* Alexx: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what about me??"
5x15: Calleigh: "You okay?"

And here's the full list of the old threads:

Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash
Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash
Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRWash
Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash
Calleigh & Ryan Official Thread!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash™

Woot! New CaRWash thread up and running :)

Thanks for posting it :) I'm getting many laughs outta it :) I love the pic :)

It just completely made my day :) I'm like SO happy :) I think I'll watch a few caRWash eppys and I'll come back all in CaRWashy goodness :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash™

OMG!! New thread!! :eek: *searches for a pic*



Oh and the other pic when they look like they're holding hands :devil:: (well kinda, I don't know where the better one is. :p Nikki, I know you do cause you made it a CPOTD once. ;))

Katie, You know everytime you post that pic I have the same caption, gimmie something else.

Oh, and yay to new thread.
YAY NEW THREAD!! My heart is just a little healed...

Dear Guys Who Write the Show,
I need CaRWash... If you have any sort of compassion in your heart you will give me some... Help a sista out!
Katie Bug! :D
NEW THREAD! *does new thread dance* YAY! *gives out gifts and hugs*
LOVE the pics everyone- great way to start out the new thread.
Who wants wto make a CaRWash petition? *raises hand, waves around, flails, attracts stares from fellow CaRWashers*
YAY NEW THREAD *Goes nuts* lmao. yay!! Oh oh oh, we need more carwash moments, I hope there will be more in the newer episodes (praying for it) lol
yeah! A new thread, finally *lurks out*, have been waiting forever for it~~congrats to everyone!

Sorry guys, for disappearing for so long, am stuck with a whathisname intestinal virus for the past few days, and when I finally got the strength to touch my comp, we are having the poll I waited, and waited, and waited :rolleyes:

To Luna, yah it's bit late I know, but that's such a romantic scene between Ryan and Cal in your that fluff fic, I will keep this chat thing short, but just to let you know I like that "again" said by Cal very much, awww ;)

To Nikki, great job in putting up Chapter 7! ya now I am begining to like Horatio more and more when I read your fic, not that I don't like him before, but I like him more :D...and...don't keep that suspense going on and on, you evil :devil:, and do let Ryan have a good heart to heart talk into Cal's head would you...thankyouthankyou...

So I totally have no idea what's going on Man's Down..other than Eric was hurt...yah CaRWash scenes would be greatly appreciated, but not too much if it needs to hover over some close colleague's life and death, much as I want to see Cal and Ryan standing together, or hugging together, I also do hope Eric's gona be fine... *pray*
Yay! A new thread :) I love the title of the thread - it was the one that I voted for as soon as I saw it in the poll (ahh remembering Ryan & Cal moments from Curse of the Coffin)!

I haven't been in here much lately - sadly the writers have let the CaRWash suffer from a bit of a drought!!! Here's hoping they fix that up and soon. Still it's nice to come back and re-live all those great moments we have had :)
YAY! So excited about all the new thread celebrations! Welcome back to everyone whos' been gone, we missed you! :D :)
Why am I not the least bit surprised that Lunsie opened the new thread? :lol: And why am I REALLY surprised to see Kate (sorry for your relationship hun) and DC nz back! :eek:

Jue, thanks but you know I can't do that :devil: I'm one of the creaters of the Angst Whores, come on.

xanessa, I think that was Luna, or at least she's had one. Thanks. You wouldn't happen to be a multishipper would you? :p

Katie, you know the better one is right here with me. You want it? Come and get it!

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Throwing Heat)

I swear sometimes I hate this board... It deleted my wonderful, long post! :(

Well, anyways, as shortly as I can, I was just rambling about how content I am with the title... I loved that scene and the whole Curse Of The Coffin itself was such a great CaRWash ep.
I've only seen Cal have a physical contact with someone three times: with Eric in Simple Man (which was some sort of apologetic gesture), with H in Lost Son (which basically came from him, as she was going to walk away when he said "Come here"), and then with Ryan in Curse Of The Coffin, which was the only one she had no particular reason for doing that, in not for sheer pleasure... That was flirting, and it was pretty explicit.
They act differently when they are alone together... Need i even start the list? the flirting in Nailed while testing the nailgun, the quite intimate talk and the ages lasting look in Deviant, the talk in Driven (Calleigh admitting she was afraid? :eek: I nearly couldn't believe that), the "You look very beautiful" in Rio, the "Thanks babe" in Going under, the shoulder rubbing in Curse Of The Coffin, the "hot little hands" in Come As You Are, etc... Whatever you can think about, they always seem to be more comfortable when there's nobody else around. It's like they can just be themselves and not worry of what people might think of them... That makes me think there's a lot we haven't been shown in Rio. :lol:

Got CaRWash? Got Love. ;)


Btw, heyz xanessa! Nice to see you here! I used to have the flaming laptop scene in my sig a while ago, but now it's Vera who has it, and it's so friggin awesome! :D
Yay! New thread! The CaRWash love lives on!!

I love all the pictures that have been posted. My favourite has got to be Luna's pic. That look is just, well just, full of love. :lol:

And I can't wait to see all the little CaRWash moments that have been mentioned in Season 5.

Luna , I also love your fic. I'm hoping it stays happy, now you have got them together.
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