Woot! New thread. "That's hot" -> yes they are ;D.
Guess what. I SAW "COLLISION"! Not many C/R scenes, but LOVED the jewel shop scene of course. How funny was that pause before... "We're from the crime lab." But I just love how she's generally happier around him than with any other person. She even offered to get him something for lunch, awww...
Anyway, I also just watched this movie
Shark Tales and now can't stop singing
"Workin' at the CaRWash...". How cool is it that we already have a theme song?
Well, off to bed for me. Keep busy and keep the thread alive, guys
. *passes around CaR-shaped cookies* -> Hmmm, that gives me an idea for a fic... C&R can bake some cookies maybe?
Gotta sleep for now though