^ Well, he isn't exactly fighting clean when he's after the truth (roughing up suspects, withholding medical attention, threatening suspects, putting his own team's jobs at risk by encouraging them to follow suit or to have them witness his actions etc.). I don't quite think he's completely devolved into 'dirty cop' area, but his concept of protocol and professionalism is a little twisted lately. I'd say borderline. Not that it would be so devestating if he was--the writers apparently have a plan for his future development.
Either way, I don't find Calleigh to be particuarly bad-ass, and I found that scene forced, badly choreographed and more of an artistically-driven "look what we can do!" instead of a dynamic real-life situation showcasing Calleigh's ability to think on her feet (which would have done a service to her character). But I'm sure some people liked it. Miami has a flare to it and I wouldn't have expected anything less. :lol:
Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into this.