Bring It On Home To Me (LV, Miami, NCIS, NY RP)

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Waiting pationtly at Samantha's door, Greg checked himself in the window. Black suit, red tie. Amazingly, the young CSI's hair was fairly tamed, though. He took a deep breath, pulling away from his reflection and stairing back at the door as he waited for her to answer it.
She ran towards the door but once she got there she calmed herself down, slowing down a bit she didnt want to seem To Eager to see him, she took a few Breaths before opening the door,once she did she could tell it was Well Worth it "Hi, Come on in" she looked at her messy apartment and frowned "Dont look at the Mess I just moved here Most of my stuff is still in those boxes"
(ok, here goes...I know this game's gonna make me cry LOL)

Mac ran into the others as he moved down the hall toward his office. Not literally in this case though.

"What's happening with you two?" he asked.
(hugs mel* it'll be okay..)

Lindsay turned back to Amanda, "Hey", and then heard Mac, "we ran into each other" pointing at Flack, who still hasn't looked up from that book, and rolled her eyes, "Apparently the book asked him to marry him and he doesn't know the answer yet"
"Come on Flack you should now that answer." Amanda replied.

(ok i'll be gone starting tonight so who ever wants to play me can have fun)
"Hi." Greg said, a large smile splitting his face as he looked at her. After a moment, the man pulled a bundle of flowers from behind his back and forced them out to her. "Thanks," He said after yet another moment had passed, before crossing into her flat. "It's not that bad. Not as bad as mine, anyway."
Catherine stopped and looked at Nick, "Since when do you care if someone sees us?" she asked with a smirk.
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