Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

I cried. Seriously. When Brennan cries, I cry, and tonight was no exception.

I watched the episode online, so I got spoiled on who was going to die, but that didn't make it any less of a shock.

I'm not entirely sure what happened between Booth and Bones. I know that a lot of people are saying that they slept together, but I'm not entirely sure. I wouldn't mind if they had, but the look on Brennan's face could just as easily be saying that they talked out their feelings.
The arm wrestling match was cute.

Booth to Brennan: You're staying in my apartment tonight. Um, considering Jacob is after Booth, wouldn't she be safer at her place?

Angela to Jack (when Brennnan was telling her about staying with Booth): Oh, Honey, no! NOt right now. I'm sorry, I love you, but go tell Cam. :lol:

I wish they hadn't killed off Vincent. Why couldn't they have picked one of the other squinterns? Brennan said Vincent was her favorite of the squinterns. He was my fave too... followed in a close second by Wendell. The rest of them I could take or leave LOL.

Love the security guard's "Woah" when he saw Booth's rifle.

Booth may have captured Jacob, but he didn't kill him which means he could possibly break out and this could happen all over again. Not a nice thought lol.

Nice sendoff for Vincent with them talking about the facts he told them and his favorite song.

So excited for the birth of the baby! Love when Angela tells Jack "Shut up! You sound like a quacking duck!" :guffaw:
Booth to Brennan: You're staying in my apartment tonight. Um, considering Jacob is after Booth, wouldn't she be safer at her place?

I thought about that, but I think at least at his place he can have some notion of protecting her. She'd be number one on the list of people who, by associating with Booth, are on the wrong side, so I don't think she'd necessarily be safer at her place.

Angela to Jack (when Brennnan was telling her about staying with Booth): Oh, Honey, no! Not right now. I'm sorry, I love you, but go tell Cam. :lol:
I laughed so hard at this scene. Between Brennan's uncomfortable look when he walked in, Angela's shippy grin, and Hodgins blank confusion, it was hysterical.
I'll probably watch; And if CSI moves to a new night, I'll be even happier. I can never remember to DVR Bones lol. Although I plan to watch eps on On Demand.
I loved this episode, although I was sorry to see Vincent go.
Hodgins was so funny in the lab when he couldn't get anyone to pay attention to him, when he was so excited. Thought his pick up of the broken hand was great as well. How did he even know about sniper dueling?

Some great Booth/Brennan scenes; I especially loved the end scene. I like that they are being subtle and somewhat mysterious about it so far.

And I really liked the send-off they gave Vincent.

Can't wait to see next week's.
*does the happy dance* CSI isn't up against Bones anymore, yay. I can only watch like the last five eps on On Demand, but I'm doing it anyway. I'll have to catch the rest on my computer or check the DVDs out of the library. (or I suppose I could watch 'em on my Droid, if I knew how to keep the dang thing from going to sleep during the show).
Things are really heating up on the Bones boards now. Some are happy, a lot feel kinda cheated because they had that happen without the relationship buildup they wanted. (I'll keep from getting totally specific until more time has passed, in case some haven't watched yet)
I remember hearing that Ryan O'Neal had health problems, but what exactly is it?

Anyway, I loved Max's knowing grins. He quickly caught on that something had happened between Booth and Brennan. He may also have guessed about the pregnancy. Brennan was certainly waving the heavy cluebat around, especially in her reaction to the child bowling genius.
Loved that the finale was all about
the people of the Jeffersonian team rather than a cliffhanger case. Michaela Conlin must be great with kids given the way that baby smiled at her. Loved the baby's name (and hat).

Given we know that ED is pregnant, I wasn't totally surprised about Tempe's pregnancy, but they do seem to be jumping way ahead in that relationship. Should be interesting to watch the fallout of Brennan's sudden pregnancy next season, on both the Jeffersonian group and Tempe's and Booth's relationship. I'm glad she had the good taste not to tell BF Angela at the hospital; that was Angela's and Hodgins' special day and Tempe was sensitive enough not to intrude upon it.

Loved the "spoiled brat" kids; they were so funny (as long as they're not my kids, anyway...).
LOL. I think the writers are taking cues from the GSR playbook. The final scene reminded me of CSI's season 6 finale. (the 'WTH just happened and when did it happen?' reveal) Lots of questions, lots of speculation. Some fans happy, some not.

Anyone else get flashbacks of CSI's 'Lovers Lanes' during the episode?
I thought Brennan's reaction to the mean little girl (Amber?) was funny.

Next season should be fun. I can magine more light hearted banter between Booth and Brennan. Booth will probably be in full protective mode.
My thoughts as I wrote down while watching the episode last night:

That boy is bratty. When the pins reset and it showed the body parts, the boy screaming and going, "I'll behave, I'll behave!" cracked me up.

How could Brennan not know the guy was talking about people going behind the machine to have sex? Sometimes I think they make her seem a little too clueless lol.

Brennanize LOL.

Muffin? Oh-kay. Brennan's hair is hilarious. Booth's hair is giving me flashbacks from when DB played Angel's past scenes where he had long hair.

Haha Jack getting freaked every time Angie walked in the room and him thinking it was time for the baby lol.

"Shutup! You sound like a quacking duck!" lol.

"Sometimes when you speak, its like you watch PBS on purpose".

Brennan: If we ever had a child like that... :shakes head:
Booth: Well, that's never going to happen.
Me: Foreshadowing much? They're so gonna have a kid.

Does that redhead child even have parents? She's brattier than the boy in the beginning of the episode lol.

Not crazy about that version of "To Make You Feel My Love".

Aww cute baby and he's perfectly healthy, his eyes are fine. Yay!

Michael Stacatto Vincent Hodgins. Aww. They used the name Angie's dad wanted as the middle and gave him a second middle name to honor Vincent. Very sweet.

OMG! I knew they'd write Emily's pregnancy into the show! And I'm so glad they made Booth the father! I swear if they make that a joke or a dream come next season, somebody is gonna get chewed out! A+ episode.
I liked the season finale. More about the team than about the case. Hodgins and Angela were great throughout. When the doctor said the baby's eyes were fine I actually sighed with relief :lol:! I have to say that after Hodgins and Ange broke up and she started dating Roxie I was really annoyed as to how they wrote the whole thing and was totally indifferent and couldn't care less about them being together again. But after they got married and how they've written the whole pregnancy storyline I'm loving them again. I think they are really great together.

Bones being pregnant could be seen from a mile away. I was always sure they would write it in even when Emily said they wouldn't. There were just too many clues along the way. I like it's all being done in a subtle way. The only one knowing that something happened being Angela and the rest of the team just seeing them behaving like always. Not even a comment from Sweets. I don't see what more buildup there could be after 6 years. There's nothing sudden or out of the blue about this. After the conversation they had a few episodes back about them never being in the right place at the same time they pretty much told each other how they felt.
Anyone know when the new season starts? Someone told me they believe its the 22nd, but they weren't sure.

I saw a video on youtube with some spoilers in it for the upcoming season. It said that B&B will
have a baby girl... which I think is appropriate since Booth already has a son and also Angela and Jack just had a son.